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James H

When do you start giving layers pellets?

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Everyone has their own view on what to feed their chooks which is fair enough! Each to their own I say...


Most farmers only feed their chooks a modest amount of mixed corn. They get the rest of their nutrients from the free ranging. And they occasionally get some food s"Ooops, word censored!"s from the kitchen as well!


Technicaly speaking they should be on chick crumbs from birth, then move over to growers pellets at about a month and on to layers at about 18-20 weeks.


If you are going to feed chickens mixed corn it should be done as a treat on a ad-lib basis as the chickens prefer the corn which does not provide all the vitimins and minerels for a healthy development/life.


Feeding too much layers pellets too early can cause major problems to chickens.


Personally I fed my chooks chick crumbs until about a month, then I started letting them free range supervised, whilst suplementing that with small amounts of mixed corn and layers pellets, (none of my local stockists keep growers pellets). I then increased the amount of layers pellets they get when they came into lay.


I hope this helps anyone who's unsure?

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