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... burying a dead fox? :roll:


I rang a friend this evening and she said 'The local fox decided to expire in my garden, and I'm trying to dig a hole but it's really hard - could you come and help?'


Poor thing was stretched out on her lawn, no obvious cause of death - she thinks it was only a year old. She'd seen it limping on Friday morning. I reckon it chose her garden because she is a wildlife fanatic, anyone else would have put it in the wheelie-bin.


Considering the trouble I take to keep foxes out of my garden, I felt it was quite generous on my part to give this one a decent burial! I couldn't help but feel sorry though, when I saw it.

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well I have a bit of a struggle here - I've had one lusting after my chickens and I would be devastated if he got them. I go to great lengths to deter him from my garden and make it harder for him to get in, and of course I keep a very close eye on my chooks.


On the other hand - they are handsome animals (mostly), they are part of our environment, and they have a right to do their foxy thing. I wish people wouldn't feed them, because it just encourages them to breed and makes them dependent.


I was quite sad to see this one dead, although as my friend pointed out, he is now contributing to the environment in a composting sort of way :wink:

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