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The Things Children Say!

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Oh! Poor Immi! :lol::lol::lol: I'd love to have seen her face when he said that!


At least she got PCSO - there was only one career advised for girls when i was that age........Secretary :roll: I told them I was going to be a Cake Designer and Decorator, which i did do as a freelance many years later before deciding that part-qualified accountant paid more :roll:

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Aren't you going to NZ....I'm sure there will be all sorts of opportunities available there for her that are not available here.


Do they have PCSO's there?


Yes, we are Egluntine. Not sure that they have PCSOs over there, I think that they stick to conventional, fully qualified Police Officers over there, but I'm not sure :? .

But they do have plenty of planes, the RZNAF with loads of career opportunities.................. and a fair few opportunities for ski/ surf bums too :wink:


Actually editing this because I've just remembered that I was told yesyerday about a NZ ski resort/ mountain that erupted 3 weeks ago at the peak of the ski season :shock: 2 skiers were hurt, I've been told that one of them lost his leg :shock: I always knew that skiing could be a dangerous sport, but didn't ever think that volcanic eruptions would be a problem see www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/4214666a10.html if you're interested in the story.


And thinking all things sporty, Seb gave me his English homework to read yesterday (for a spelling/ grammar check :wink: ) and it was a debate about the pros and cons of single sex vs mixed schools. One of his arguments was that girls schools could concentrate on dance and gymnastics which boys wouldn't want to do, preferring to focus on extreme sports such as rugby, football, and golf :shock: . It's the first time I've ever seen golf described as an extreme sport and it gave me a giggle at any rate :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Am sat watching the news with the boys and just watched something about servicemen killed in Afghanistan. They showed a clip of the flag draped coffin being placed in the he"Ooops, word censored!". Daniel asked what it was. Dad explained.


Dan looked thoughtful then said "so how do they drive the car to heaven?" :lol::lol:

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