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Is She an He?

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Getting a bit concerned about Tallulah my new Light Sussex Bantam.


She was the smallest of my new birds but now is the tallest. In the last week her tail feathers have grown at an alarming rate. they are long and flowing. Looking at pictures on the net and her tail feathers shouldn't be that long. Her comb and wattles are still small like the others. She is still cheeping like a Chick.


I don't know what I will do if she turns out to be a Cockeral. I've too many neighbours around me and I don't know of anyone who could take a Cockeral.


When I bought her the breeder showed myself and Natalie how to sex a bird by looking a the shape of the feathers. Tallulah had rounded feathers like the other birds I bought.


I've let the newbies and my old girls freerange together for the first time today. Tallulah is the only one being picked on by the old girls. I wonder if the old girls know Tallulah is different?




Feeling very worried this morning.

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I've been seaching on and off all day for the blinking camera charging cable :roll: I will have a proper look for it tomorrow.


Lost count of the times I have been in the run to study Tallulah. I can't see any spurs on the legs, but don't know whether they would have started to appear yet. She/he is 4 months old. The feathers do not look too pointy either.


I'm probably worrying over nothing as usual.

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