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Help needed from the experts!!!

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Well, being a new chicken mummy I have gradually bought more and more things over the past 5-6 weeks and I am now at the point where I surely should not be using all of these things at the same time.


If anyone out there can give me some idea whether to alternate use or when to use I would be very grateful.


I now possess:


Poultry spice (currently mixing in with pellets as advised by breeder)

Apple cider vinegar (suggested use - once home after collecting them)

Verm-X (think I know this one - 3 conseq days every month)

Lice powder AND red mite powder

garlic powder (makes poo less smelly - should it be used constantly)

Bokashi (due to arrive this week) - to go in food - how often?

Avipro (due to arrive this week) - to go in water - how often?


I really don't want to make the girls ill with over protecting them - any advice would be gratefully received and put into action!

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we use poultry spice all the time in their food.


I also use aloe vera in their water, so with the apple cider vinegar - in their water all the time will not do any harm.


We also use redmite powder weekly in the eglu as a preventative measure and we use the lice powder weekly ( a light dusting in the eglu for prevention) and I maybe dust the chooks monthly.


worming - every 4 months.

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Hi Suzi...


You seem to be on the ball already. I can help out with a few things though.


Poultry Spice - mix with food as directed and give feed as normal.

Garlic Powder - I pop a teaspoon into their feed once a week. You can do it everyday if you wish, it won't harm them at all.

Apple cider vinegar, add some to their warer everyday. It's really good for them and will keep them laying for longer. Normal vinegar will also do the same job and be less expensive.

Lice poweder/mite powder - I only do this once a year when the weather starts to warm up in the spring. I've never had a problem with lice.


Can't help with the last two as I don't use them. Hope that's helped a bit, and good luck. Follow your instincts, and you'll be fine. Chickens are very easy to look after and are hardy little things. Enjoy! :D

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Hi Sue


I became a chicken mummy at about the same time as you. My poor chooks get nothing. Well that's not strictly true, they get food and water with no extras.


I am thinking of getting garlic powder and I will get some wormer in a couple of months. Apart from that I think I'll medicate when required. I guess you're working on prevention being better than cure but I prefer low maintenance and I don't do prevention for myself so it's nothing against chooks. :wink:

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Apple cider vinegar, add some to their warer everyday. It's really good for them and will keep them laying for longer. Normal vinegar will also do the same job and be less expensive.


Hi Popcorn, how much Cider Vinegar do you use? I've just bought some but don't know how much to put in.

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I'm even newer than you (one week today!) but I've got bokashi bran which I've added to my container of pellets along with garlic powder & poultry spice. It's supposed to reduce the smell of poo & help if they've got the runs.


I also add a splash of ACV (daily) and a couple of drops of citricidal (every few days) to their water (in 3 pints for 3 hens). Don't know how much they're getting 'cos they don't finish all their water but I'll keep it up meantime.


Bit daunting isn't it? :shock: Don't know if I'm overdoing it but will keep reading the advice on here.

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Thanks all for the replies.


Don't think I'm going too far wrong looking at your advice. I do feel a bit guilty though - my two cats are both 17 and I have done nowhere near this much for them.


Would still like some advice on the bokashi. Guess the packaging may have some direction on it (when it arrives), but am wondering if - based on responses so far - should be adding: poultry spice, garlic powder and bokashi with the pellets ALL the time.


Also, should I start putting Avipro as well as cider vinegar in their water.


All quite confusing to a newbie!!

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but I bet the first time you ever had cats, you were just as worried about doing the right thing ... you don't worry now, because after 17 years you know what they need!


I use garlic powder and I put it in every feed because it has a huge and very welcome impact on the smell. I bought bokashi as an alternative, but haven't used it at all yet as I decided garlic powder was cheaper. I don't think you need both, if it's just to reduce the smell, but it won't hurt them.


I haven't used poultry spice yet, I'm saving it for when they moult, but again it probably won't do any harm. Depends on how much you want to spend!


I use Diatom (red mite powder would do the same thing) every time I clean the Eglu, I sprinkle it on the end of the roosting bars. Haven't had any problems so far.


Don't worry, with every week of chicken-ownership you will get more relaxed about what they do and don't need, and you'll start to recognise if they are off-colour, eating more or less, or anything else.

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