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Monday at 9pm!

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Jane Moore is doing another of those 'the real face of farming' progs tonight 9PM on Channel 4. Christmas Dinner being the subject, be warned may be a bit unpleasant but I feel I have to watch.



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Thanks Buffie, I'd already spotted it in the TV listings, and have been intending to watch, but I'm sure that it'll be uncomfortable viewing.

An alternative option is Rick Stein, same time, but on BBC2 when he travels the country looking for food heroes producing good quality Christmas food. The farmer who's supplying turkeys to my veg box farm this year is featured, and they've suggested we watch to see where our turkeys come from. Not that I've ordered one- no turkey for me this year :D

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:wink: Can't be much worse than the ending for the turkeys, on last weeks F-Word. :shock: . I am still having turkey ... and still eat meat, just a bit strange watching them being electrocuted.


Good for you too Lesley ...... the rearing for meat seems to being going well for you. Wish I had more land :(

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I usually end up shouting at the screen but we will watch something happy beforehand and I'll be taping Rick too! :wink:




Yes well done Lesley on your dinner , we aren't sure what veg delights we'll be having but have some ideas from the vegetarian christmas mag!



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What did you think? Always buy wild or organic salmon so happy about that. The turkey treatment didn't surprise me, shame we are getting used to hearing about poor treatment and conditions. Poor treatment of pigs did shock me. :cry:


The way we all talk about tracability and buying locally etc has got to be the way forward.



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The turkey processing ( :evil: ) was the same as chickens. hang upside down by legs (very distressing) and then stun with a waterbath and electricity and then bleed them. The turkeys often flap and miss the bath so are fully awake when they are killed. i beleived they were killed by hand as I had seen as a child. I've come into the real world this year.



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Carl was a bit worried after a more difficult time with our 'Dinners' last week, but it was still much quicker than the Ramsay turkeys - and we didn't carry them upside down across the whole of the garden :roll:


The Daily Blah said yesterday that Ramsay won't be eating his trukeys on Christmas day because he prefers Goose :? I know you can't believe everything written but what will that teach his children? - perhaps they will eat one before Christmas? :?

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