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Eggs - confession!

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I am going to confess to you all that I have gone off eggs abit since I've had the girls :oops::oops: . I love them in things and like a lightly fried egg but I just can sort of smell them in the egg. Daft I know but it's something that has happened.


Anyone else found this? :?:oops::oops:


Also love them scrambled with smoked salmon :D



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I wonder if they are a little pungent sometimes due to the strong garlic powder. Everything has a slight aroma of garlic even their poops :oops::wink:


They are the best in the world and nothing is going to stop me eating them. Years of organic free range eggs does not prepare you for the wonderful fresh eggs you get!


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I can smell the garlic as well - I thought it was just me :? I have a very sensitive nose and others think I'm mad - it's usually a good few minutes before they smell what I've just told them I can smell. The men at work have got used to it now - if I can smell burning they take my word for it :wink::lol:

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I too have a very sensitive nose. Everyone for as long as I can remember, gets me to 'sniff' things to see if they are 'off' - not a nice job!


I think the fact that I have a hearing loss might have something to do with my sharpened sense of smell. Thought at least I might have been given good eyesight too, but without contact lenses in I am as blind as a bat!


I went to the optician the other week, (who knows that I rely on lip reading,) and I had to take my contact lenses out. Then he started talking to me! I told him that I needed to get my glasses to know what on earth he was talking about! It is funny at times - lots of times!


He put a hand on my shoulder, meaning me to stay put and pulled the eye testing machine in front of my face and slotted in those lenses - and said, 'There you are you can see what I am saying now.' Which I could if he was right in front of the machine - but then I couldn't read the board! We did have a laugh.


When it came to shining the light into my eyes whilst I had my face leant against a frame, (in total darkness) we had worked out signals - tap me once to look up, twice to look down, 3 times side to side, otherwise I looked straight ahead! If anyone needs a comedy sketch to equal to two Ronnies fork handle one, I could supply them with loads! :lol::lol:


When I went out to see another chap that has a new bit of equipment that checks your field of vision and blind spots - he stood behind me at a computer and I had to click when I saw a spot at random. Again, with face pushed to screen and he behind me, the optician had asked if he would tap me on my shoulder to tell me when it had started. He gave be such a hearty clap on the back that I jumped out of my skin, and resorted to giggles and my eyes were so full of tears from laughing that I couldn't see spots! :lol::lol::lol:


Oh - gone off topic - I had the same problem with the garlic powder, and rather thought the chicken poo smell might be preferable. But I reduced the amount that I put in their food, and they don't seem to smell of garlic now - and the whoopsies do not smell either.

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I'm the only person in the family who will eat our girls eggs as eggs, that is fried, boiled etc. The others will only eat them if I use them in cakes. :roll:

Natalie, my daughter says she won't eat them because they have come out of Bubbles or Buttercups bottom. :shock:


The Garlic powder is off the menu at the moment as the run had started to smell of it. I don't know if it was because of the damp weather and the wood chips were not drying out fully. The Garlic powder will get used again in the Summer months when the poo gets warm and smelly again.

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I'm the only person in the family who will eat our girls eggs as eggs, that is fried, boiled etc. The others will only eat them if I use them in cakes. :roll:

Natalie, my daughter says she won't eat them because they have come out of Bubbles or Buttercups bottom. :shock: .


:lol::lol::lol: out of the mouths of babes!! :wink:



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Clare he sounds like heaven - he must have some bad habits or does he keep those for his own house!


My sons and hubbie are all house trained too. It is amazing that so many men have to be dominant males and leave the seat up etc etc


Best not go there............dodgy ground.


They all make lovely Father Christmases!


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Clare you are hilarious - is that why he is your ex?




I have edited out the description of the 'pictures' that my imagination cunjured up re the gas sniffing and the last comment.


A family forum :lol::lol::lol:


We do go off an a tangient don't we. Garlic tasting eggs to toilet humour

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He's great and well brought up by his mum and comes from a large family, which helps. He does have some irritating habits, but not as bad as some others I could mention :twisted: and he mostly keeps them to his house - BLISS


He was also great when i was very poorly earlier this year. I hate being ill and get grumpy at being indisposed and having to take it easy. But Phil looked after me really well and made me put my feet up.


Well done for bringing yours up well Kooringa :D

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Back to eggs..................I remember once when my hens had eaten loads of spinach,the eggs had a really odd taste.

It was a bit like raw spinach,which sort of dries your mouth out (or banana skin) & I just couldn't eat them,although the rest of my family did.


I also noticed the garlic smell in the eggs,but this got better when I changed from garlic pawder to garlic flakes.

The run still smelt like Pizza Express though :?

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