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fao kate

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there is an article on the river cottage about "the f word program", now please dont get the rolling pin out when i mention this name............fenwoman.... sorry.......well she states that as a kid she went to a slaughter house on a school trip :shock::shock: explains alot dont you think?


sorry for mentioning the unmentionable. please forgive me.

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I'm dying for her to have another go at me :twisted: ! Might have to go and post on that topic to get her dander up :lol::lol: ! No, on second thoughts, my reputation on RC is shot!! I'd better not make it worse :wink: !!


I missed what happened Kate :? Can you fill me in. Have an urge to post merry crimbo from a yuppy eglu owner tomorrow! :wink::wink::lol:



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I have now found the topic and responded in a dignified way I hope :?




You have - and we know it will be killing FW not to be able to answer :lol::lol: She is taking it out on others though in a topic from someone about despatching their first chicken - it's just starting to brew up nicely!

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She's now offering to give lessons to anyone wanting to learn how to despatch. Should I offer myself for her tutelage? :shock:

Sadly don't have a cockerel to sacrifice (& my Christmas dinner is already lined up), besides too long in the company of her and a chicken... and I think I already know which neck I'd be itching to wring :evil:

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