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Chicks 7 weeks old - can they go outside yet?

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Hi I have three chicks -


a light sussex male - about 7 weeks - (about the size of a large blackbird)

a speckled maran - about 8 weeks - (about the size of a colared dove)

a golden hamburg - about 7 weeks (but she is quite small as are the breed) - (about the size of a starling)


They are indoors at the moment in a pen under a heat lamp - but I would love to take their cage outside occasionally to let them get some fresh air and rays from the sun and feel the wind!!! Also to let my other chickens see them - (but give them the safety of their pen so they don't receive any pecks) as I want my chickens to get used to having them around before I introduce them to the Eglu.


Are they old enough to withstand a few hours outside at this age??



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I have my chicks off heat in the utility room at 3 weeks - start by putting the lamp off during the day for a couple of days, then off at night for a couple of nights then out to their growers run where they have an eglu. The run is enclosed within the garage, so sheltered on 3 sides but with an open mesh side to the big run so the others can see them.

If yours are inside you could definitely get them off heat now, over the next few days, then if you got a nice sunny day pop them out in the brooder for some fresh air.

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My chicks are almost 4 weeks now and I have put them outside in the Eglu today. :?:?:?:?


They chicken enclosure is away from the house and the girls are in the in their Eglu awaiting arrival of the new Cube (Orange) next week. :lol::lol::lol:



And as they are still small the 13 chicks are now in the other Eglu right by the back door. but by next week will be split over 2 eglus. I am thinking of joining them back to back to a Long run with an eglu either side (not sure how I would get food in though so might have to rethink that.


I am thinking that they are hardy creatures and have to get used to it soon, the longer I leave it the colder it will get. ( They are also stinking the house out :evil: )


They will cuddle up at night but I will update you on how they are in the morning.


In answer to your question ionce they are off the light for a day or two I would certainly put them out in the day. (I wouldn't want to turn the light off and put them out in 1 go as this could be a bit much for them)

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The 5 chicks we hatched out were kept in a brooder in the house for 2 weeks then in a cage in the shed 'til 7 weeks old, but still with heat for the 1st 3 weeks. When they were 7 weeks I put them in a run within the big run with a small hutch in it and they put themselves to bed every night without being shown where to go. I did cover part of the run with a run shade from the Cube but they wander around getting soaked when it rains and they don't seem bothered. If all goes well next week they will be let out into the big run beside Evil Marilyn and the other big girls but we will supervise them in case of any squabbles.

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