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Carbon neutral companies

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Has anyone noticed that a few large companies now have little tag lines in their advertising that appear to declare them as carbon neutral? One, and I forget which one, declared "carbon neutral since 2004". How? :?


I suspect they may only be carbon neutral by buying themselves large swathes of tropical rainforest or the like, and I think this is cheating :evil:


Does anyone know if they are really carbon neutral, or just buying the status?

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If you want to know what companies are doing to be able to declare themselves carbon neutral you could go onto their websites as they will have some sort of environmental statement.


I had to do some work on HBOS (Halifax Bank of Scotland) a couple of weeks ago 'committed to carbon neutrality by the end of 2007' and they had a huge report on what they had done and what they plan to do.


It makes for interesting reading - and yes some of it was down to offsetting, which I am a bit sceptical about - but I guess you have to make a judgement when you know what they are doing in terms of offsetting and whether you think that is a good cause.

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