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Cat in Phoebe's greenhouse!!

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Thought i'd share a funny chicken story with you all. The girls have been out in the garden whilst I cleaned out the eglu this morning, with 'Mosley' next doors cat sitting on the fence watching - the girls get their shackles up at first when they see a cat, but when they realise its Mosley (who poses no threat) they don't bother and carry on as normal. Anyway, after the clean out I gave the girls some tuna, marmite and raisin porridge mmm... I think Mosley could smell the fish because he gradually edged closer and closer, and then sat right next to them whilst they were eating, waiting for bits to fall on the ground - I wish I'd had a camera :lol: . They finished the porridge and Moslay went off, but a few minutes later I found Phoebe standing at the greenhouse door shouting her head off - because Mosley has gone in there, (Phoebe loves the green house and is always in there investigating, even though she's not really allowed as its dangerous) she then storms in to shoo him out :lol: grunting and sqawking in disapproval, and then patrols inside to check what he hasn't moved anything! Its so funny how much she likes the greenhouse, and she obviously see's it as her territory! Daphne on the other hand won't go in, and stood at a safe distance watching.

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