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Tessa the Duchess

Chickens on Ceebeebies.

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Anyone else 'unfortuate' enough to watch Ceebeebies this afternoon? I have to watch it with my grandson :( The Bobbinogs, what a ridiculous name :!::shock: had a very sweet little section all about where food comes from, and of course there were cartoon hens laying cartoon eggs :) I noted they showed vegetables but not where meat comes from :roll:



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Snowy wrote:


Yes I caught that one too Tessa (although the Bobinogs drive me mad so I don't watch too closely) :lol:


Children's tv drives me nuts :evil: I do ration my grandson, but I let him watch early in the morning 'cos it takes me a while to wake up :oops: My most hated is 'Dora the Explorer' Ugh. Although I have noticed that a lot of the programmes focus on re-cycling and re-using, good to start 'em young.



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My son watches far more TV than either of his sisters ever did, current faves are the Wonder Pets (no moral story there that I can determine) and Go Diego Go which is the hideous off shoot of Dora the Explora. Which I don't really mind only he now says Pooma instead of puma, of Jagwar instead of Jaguar. On the upside he can say hello and goodbye in Spanish, not sure what good that will do a two year old..... :roll:


Mrs Bertie

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  Mrs Bertie said:
My son watches far more TV than either of his sisters ever did, current faves are the Wonder Pets (no moral story there that I can determine) Mrs Bertie


Not a moral story its the importance of teamwork.


"Whats going to work


Whats going to work



Now tell me you are not as bad as me - we've watched so much of this that whenever the phone goes I jump up singing!


"The phone, the phone is ringing"


I do think all the singing is good too - James has been brought up with singing and he loves it.

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