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Cate in NZ

Chilli oil- any recipes please

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I needed a chilli for a recipe that I made over the weekend, but couldn't buy a single one, ended up instead with a little bag of about 15 birds eye chillis :shock: . Since I have so many left over I thought I might try to make some chilli oil (we all love the chilli oil in Zizzi's :wink: ) so I'm sure it'd get well used :D


But I can't find a recipe in any of my books :( . And I happened upon a thread on another forum when I was searching for recipes which all got a little heated on the subject of botulism :shock: . Any hints, tips or recipes please........I don't mind blowing my family's breath away with hot chillies, but am pretty keen to avoid poisoning them :shock::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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I made several bottles of chilli oil last year. Here goes -


make a cut lengthways in the chilli but not all the way through, so that it stays together. put them on a tray in the airing cupboard (i put them on a plate with kitchen paper and then on a radiator, as i don't have an airing cupboard)


Let them dry until they are crispy


Put them in a nice bottle and fill with normal olive oil.


Voila!! :wink:


You can also add dried herbs etc to make it look more authentic. The contents should settle at the bottom. Ready in a couple of months. If the chillies float then keep shaking the bottle until each chilli fills up with oil.

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