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Nicola O

A visit from Mr Fox...... !!!

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..... :evil:

I was woken early this morning by the chooks clucking and sqwuarking loudly, rushed out to the landing but the outside light hadn't come on (must get that adjusted) but could hear something pounding on the run. By the time I got to the back door there was real screeching but as I ran out I heard the little monster go over the fence, so I didn't actually see him.


Went out and did a head count - everyone was OK but a bit shocked so I encouraged them in the eglu and shut them in for a while so they would feel more secured and settled.


I feel lucky that in eighteen months of having chooks this is only the second fox vist, but it's made me realise that I musn't be so complacent (spl?) that we must be so vigilant and keep our girlies safe.



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we always shut the girls into the coop when it gets dark and let them out when it's light.


every entrance/exit to the run/coop is padlocked and the wire mesh goes right down into the soil. The rest of it is on paving slabs.


we also have pir security lights trained on the coop.


I feel like a gaoler with all the keys rattling when I go to let them out in the morning but still....you just never know.

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Might be worth locking them away at night, and getting your OH to 'mark' around the run. Maybe the fox will leave you alone for a while


I've already decided to start locking them in now, but I don't have a OH so unless my next door neighbour want to oblige we'll have to manage without that :lol: .



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Might be worth locking them away at night, and getting your OH to 'mark' around the run. Maybe the fox will leave you alone for a while


I've already decided to start locking them in now, but I don't have a OH so unless my next door neighbour want to oblige we'll have to manage without that :lol: .




I've got visions of ladies knocking on doors "Would you be so kind as to mark your territory in my garden?"



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Carole U wrote:


We had a similar experience to yours back in the summer and immediately bought a Foxwatch. Although I've seen foxes up and down the road outside, none have come near my eglu or run since then. It really does work!


Agree. We have foxes all round us, since Foxwatch haven't seen one in

the garden, definitely a good investment :)




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After checking on them last night when I got home from work I noticed that all the bungee clips holding the cover on had pinged of, although the rain cover itself was not damaged, so Mr Fox had obviously made quite a strong attempt to get to the chooks.


So, I ordered a foxwatch last night as I wont take the chance of the fox coming back and having another go. Those of you who have one all seem pleased with it. Hopefully it will arrive in the next couple of days.



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