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pizza express and the 5 freedoms policy

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thought this mail snake might interest some....



email to pizza express

Subject: free range


Just wanted to let you know you’re our restaurant of choice if we eat out because of your policy of using free range eggs.


However, I notice you don’t serve free range chicken. I am not vegetarian but only eat free range chicken so have to have a vegetarian option. I would prefer to eat a free range chicken pizza. Can you let me know if the company plan to use free range chicken in the near future?







response from PE




Thanks for getting in touch regarding the chicken we use in our restaurants and for our retail pizzas.


As a bit of background on how we choose who to work with, we actively seek out suppliers who share our values and are committed to an ethical way of operating. We have a dedicated team and process in place to ensure that responsible business practices are incorporated into the procurement process and that best practice is shared.


As you're probably aware there are a number of sound ethical practices in regards to chicken. The suppliers for our eggs adopt the 'free range'

policy and our suppliers for our chicken adhere to the EU regulations that govern the slaughter of poultry and the '5 freedoms policy'. The chickens are fed on a 100%, GM free, balanced vegetarian diet.


We are of course continually reviewing our policies and trust the foregoing is of some help to you.


All the best,


Sue Robinson

Customer Service





my reply



Hi Sue


I found this site http://wspafarmwelfare.org/learnfivefreedoms.html which is very encouraging as the 5 freedoms seem to indicate that the chickens you use, although possibly not free range, are kept in conditions that do not affect their physical or mental health, as with the cruel "Broiler" system of rearing chickens.


Obviously, free range would be the ideal, but it is good to know that your company approach the resourcing of your produce in an ethical way.


Your company should make this common knowledge on your web site, as it is a big plus for you. As people's attitudes turn towards thinking about where what they eat comes from and how it is reared, which is the trend these days, it can only serve to gain you more custom and show your company in a positive light.


Kind Regards





just wanted to share that with some like minded folk, encouraging isn't it?

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Great news, I think they should also stress to the little uns' at the restaurants that they use free range eggs, to encorage them.


Also, they should make it well known that they use free range eggs, so the other companies try and upstage them by using free range eggs and meat. If other restaurants see the attention they are getting, then hopefully they will take a leaf out of their book.



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Great news, I think they should also stress to the little uns' at the restaurants that they use free range eggs, to encorage them.


Also, they should make it well known that they use free range eggs, so the other companies try and upstage them by using free range eggs and meat. If other restaurants see the attention they are getting, then hopefully they will take a leaf out of their book.




why don't you tell them? ;)


mention you saw this info on an internet forum praising them, it can only help! :)




I don't know why they don't make more of a big deal about it, if only so people can make a better informed choice of where to eat.

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Great news, I think they should also stress to the little uns' at the restaurants that they use free range eggs, to encorage them.


Also, they should make it well known that they use free range eggs, so the other companies try and upstage them by using free range eggs and meat. If other restaurants see the attention they are getting, then hopefully they will take a leaf out of their book.




why don't you tell them? ;)


mention you saw this info on an internet forum praising them, it can only help! :)




I don't know why they don't make more of a big deal about it, if only so people can make a better informed choice of where to eat.


Done :wink:

I hate formal letters (I can never understand them!) So mine is more like a letter to a friend please don't laugh



I just found out that you are now using free-range eggs in your food, I think that is absolutely fantastic news!

I keep eight chickens my self (Gemma, Mischief, Uma, Magic, Lacey, Spice, Nutmeg and Clover.) They are lovely pets and its nice to know that animals are starting to be appreciated for what they produce for us. Have you thought about using free range chicken in your food? When ever I go to restaurants I always ask whether the chicken is free range, if not then I order something else. I think you could benefit fully if you use free range meat too.

I think you should do your best to advertise the fact you use free range eggs, most customers would be delighted to hear that. In the future I will definatly be ordering food from pizza express

because I know the eggs came from happy chickens.


Weldone, keep up the good work!"



See I told you it isn't good! Well it's the thought that counts, right?



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