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White Star/Leghorn

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I recal reading that these are fast to mature and tend to start laying very early. Mine is the oldest of all my Hybrids but looks like she is no where near :? Her comb has doubled in size since we got her about 5 weeks ago, but her eye area is still as white as the rest of her, can anyone advise does this area tend to redden on them before they lay, cause the skin isnt even a pinky colour.

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I remember being concerned about my Lily who matured slower & was the last to lay of my hens.

But, if you got them from Medowsweet,the different breeds are probably not all the same age anyway :?

When she did mature it seemed to happen over night, & she now has an enormous big red comb, & lays massive pure white eggs (when not in moult that is :roll: )

There are some photos of her when we first got her & now for comparison here - the one of her on her ladder is when she was new, & the one of her on the grass is now.



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Blimey I see what you mean by over night, thet young pic of her was on the 11/4 and the mature one of her is the 26/4 what a change! I must admit Dippy doesny even look as mature as her in the first pic. But she was 18 weeks when I got her (possibly even older) How tame do you find her BTW? Mine wont let me go anywhere near her, she just sprints off, hoping this will improve as she comes into lay.

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Not sure,but those might be the dates I uploaded them :lol:


Looking at my records I have one of a brand new Lily taken late march, & the one of her on the grass was in August.

But it did happen very quickly - suddenly she was all grown up!


Its worth the wait with White Stars, as the eggs are so big (after a while) & so perfectly white :P

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Bwah ha ha! Thought that seemed very quick ever for the time of year.

Oh well at least I know what I should be looking for.


Aparently I read today that winter months adds about 4 weeks on in time taken to reach maturity. My girls are all now approximatly 23 weeks, so if they normally come into lay at about 20 then it would work out at being about 1 weks time.


Personally I dont think it will be this side of Xmas.

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But she was 18 weeks when I got her (possibly even older) How tame do you find her BTW? Mine wont let me go anywhere near her, she just sprints off, hoping this will improve as she comes into lay.


My Coral is half Leghorn. She matured almost overnight too and laid her first egg last week at 28 weeks. Her comb has suddenly grown and is even starting to flop over!


She has also changed since laying and instead of running away will come up to me and let me stroke her. And she chats away all the time. Quite a little character :D

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My Coral is half Leghorn.


That's interesting to know, do you know what other breeds make up the Coral? Mine is beautiful - I love the way she has a very erect tail and the contrast between her very red comb and very white feathers.


Mine is very thin though, the breeder told me they get quite heavy but at the mo I can feel her breast bone quite clearly. I've just wormed them and she seems well so hopefully it's just her lack of maturity (she's about 25 weeks)



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My Coral is half Leghorn.


That's interesting to know, do you know what other breeds make up the Coral? Jo


Afraid I don't, Jo. I asked on the forum when I first got her but "Ooops, word censored!"ody knew. She has a lovely sheen to her feathers and feels quite soft. She has always been thinner than the other two, doesn't have the big 'frilly knickers' they have. She has grown a lot lately so height-wise she's the same but not as bulky.

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My Coral is half Leghorn.


That's interesting to know, do you know what other breeds make up the Coral? Mine is beautiful - I love the way she has a very erect tail and the contrast between her very red comb and very white feathers.


Mine is very thin though, the breeder told me they get quite heavy but at the mo I can feel her breast bone quite clearly. I've just wormed them and she seems well so hopefully it's just her lack of maturity (she's about 25 weeks)




I think she is a leghorn x light sussex. Leghorns lay white eggs, light sussex lay light brown and the Coral lays somewhere in between.

We have a Coral, she's a gorgeous breed, very funny. She is quite big though, how old is your Coral? We got Gemma when she was 21 weeks, now she is much older now (we got her in August) maybe she just has more leghorn in her? We have a leghorn hybrid, and she is very small and thin, so maybe thats it?



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That would make sense her being skinny if they is part leghorn, as my White Star is basically a very refined leghorn and they are very skinny, its amazing to think they can lay big eggs as they have no meat on them whatsoever, they make naf table birds. Very sleek, hene the nicknake they get of 'little ballerina'

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I think she is a leghorn x light sussex. Leghorns lay white eggs, light sussex lay light brown and the Coral lays somewhere in between.

We have a Coral, she's a gorgeous breed, very funny. She is quite big though, how old is your Coral? We got Gemma when she was 21 weeks, now she is much older now (we got her in August) maybe she just has more leghorn in her? We have a leghorn hybrid, and she is very small and thin, so maybe thats it?




My Coral, Muriel, is now 29 weeks. We got her at 17 weeks old. She has been laying for a week now. She is lovely, a real character. Since starting to lay she has made a point of coming into the coop as I'm doing my morning poop pick and natters away and checks I'm doing it properly. Obviously wants it spick and span for her egg! :lol:

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My White Star is also called Dippy I am not sure how old she was when we got her but she was POL and laid within about 3 weeks. We had a lot of early soft shelled eggs, but recently she has settled into regular consistant laying. She had her first day off for 16 days yesterday. Her eggs are so white seeing is believing and you are right they are very skinny and not at all tame. The only way that we can get hold of Dippy is when she is in the eglu.

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I just noticed your White Star has the same name, they must just suit it. I was asked to name one of my girls dippy from the Serendipity forum I use.


I have no hope of ever catching mine as she never goes indoors either during the day. I might have to get a big fishing net!

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