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Guest chookiehen

Handing in your notice

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How do you word your notice? I'm handing mine in tonight, and I don't know what to say.


While I am desperate to tell them what a bunch of ******* they all are, I appreciate that that is not really the done thing (tempting though!). I don't really want to burn any bridges, just in case I need to go and beg for my job back if and when money goes short, so any help would be appreciated!

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Could just be very factual, formal and to the point. You could thank them for your continued employment over x years without saying you enjoyed it. Wouldn't be the time to point out they are $%*^%$%.


Good luck, hope it work out. Have you been forced to quit because it has got that bad, or have you got something lined up/the course you were talking about?

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I would try being honest Shona. How likely is it that you would be so desperate for a job you would go back to them :?


You have never said where you work but I think I have worked it out and there are several of that type of employer round here plus lots of other options.


They are doing this to lots of people and until someone actually puts it in writing they will carry on and in the event someone has problems in future your letter will be on file telling them how cra**y they have treated you.


There is no need to be rude but you can allude to employment law and your recent personal circumstances not to mention the stress going back after you were off caused they will be shaking that you are taking them to a tribunal for constructive dismissal by making things uncomfortable for you.


If you tell them you are leaving because you feel you have no choice whats the worst they can do - sack you then you will have them. I am not trying to encourage you to cause trouble but I hate any sort of bullying especially in the workplace and you have to stand up for yourself even if its not easy.

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I'm leaving for various reasons - Chookiehubbie is up for a promotion, and won't be able to guarantee being able to get home in time for me to go to work, if he doesn't get the promotion then he just needs to do 2 extra hours overtime a week to cover the money we will lose out on, I'm really peeved with the way they have treated me over the last month and I need to study, so it will give me a chance to study an extra 2 nights a week. I could go on, but that's the gist of it!


Think I'll go along the lines of 'personal problems over the last few months have made me re-evaluate my situation, and have decided to spend more time with my husband and children' (even though I only do 2 nights a week!)

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hi - sounds exciting that your handing your notice in, but like you said,

you don't really want to burn any bridges, so keep it simple is the best policy. just state your intention of leaving and that you giving x amount of weeks notice. I wouldnt go into explaing your reasons and if its liek where i used to work, they wont even ask ("Ooops, word censored!"ody cared about anybody, or what they did)


hope it goes fine :)

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I agree too - no mention of any problems - just factual and polite.


And remember if you ever decide to work again and need a reference they will be contacted.


You wouldn't want to give them the opportunity to turn it around so that they could say, 'Oh she had personal problems so left' Doesn't sound too good putting it like that does it.


Just do as the others suggested - short and sweet - and grit you teeth, smile and start the countdown to leaving.


Best wishes

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I finish up next Friday! Just put the basic fact in the letter, said I was leaving, and when I intended to work until, as although I'm not worried about references from them (it's all done by personnel down in Wales, and is a standard letter stating very basic facts - hours worked, sickness %, and if you were sacked), it's really none of their business!


Apparantly I have to be given a 'Leavers Interview' next Friday where I will be quizzed about my time with the company, and my reasons for leaving, so better start preparing myself for that!


:D - This is my face now!

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