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We just saw a fox....................

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just looked out of the back doors and saw a fox sniffing about...thank goodness our lovely girls are asleep and locked away..

We are so upset, we have been letting them freerange almost all day, does this mean that we cannot any longer?.and that Mr Fox has discovered our little brood...Aw I dont know what to do...!! :roll:

We are planning to build a big run to secure them all day, and give them freedom, and I think we will have to do it sooner rather than later...such a pity, now we are scared!!!!

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We hadn't seen a fox for years, until early one evening it killed one of my girls. :( Now the girls are only allowed out if I'm in the garden - at least an hour or two a day even in this weather (I shelter in the greenhouse with the radio on and watch from there if it's raining).


We've just started building them a bigger permanent run as I feel guilty about keeping them in their eglu run,even with an extension. They will be/are such spoilt chickens!


At least you are aware of the fox now, before it's too late!

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I would wait until you have your new run built not unless you can stay with them outside and not go in at all.I have 6 now but l have an extra bit built on as to make it bigger. :D l for one dont am scared a fox will find us l know there about but we have a lab that likes the garden hes always wanting to be out there so may be hes helping in that way.

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The Glasgow urban foxes are also as bold as brass and seem to be active around the clock. I've often seen them marching around our suburban streets and basking in back gardens in broad daylight. I agree with all of the advice regarding supervised free ranging.

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Mr or Mrs Fox paid two visits to our garden and sat watching our girls. They decided to leave when they noticed an incoming white missile in the shape of a Retriever that was traveling so fast that they only just escaped. That was in July last year and they have not returned. A busy dual carriage way at the end of our large garden also plays a part. BUT we are not complacent we are always vigilant.

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Foxwatch has kept Inspector Fox out of my garden, before that he would regularly sniff around the Eglus, paw at the run and leave pawprints on the Eglu. I recommend getting one, but it's not something you can rely on totally.


Don't take any chances, if you're in an urban area which your address suggests you are, then he will come in daytime or night-time; jump or climb over fences, gates and walls and he will approach even if he can hear someone in the house. Urban foxes don't scare easily!


My girls enjoy quality time with me in the garden, obviously this time of year it's not much but come the longer days, I get lots of gardening done because I need to keep warm out there, and they get supervised free-ranging.

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  Cheryl said:
do foxes come into the garden during the day?


Most definitely yes!


Since we had one of the girls killed, it comes back regularly. it stands in the garden bold as brass! However, I usually know it's there, because Treacle, my early warning system, makes a peculiar noise that only applies to foxes or cats being in the garden. Good old Treacle!

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just spent morning knocking up a little addition to the cube run so i can keep an eye on the girls out of my kitchen window until we do a proper set up... after seeing that evil fox the other day we have been quite concerned...its not fox proof but our garden is big and now i know where they are!





i got very muddy but those extendable willow panels are lovely, and when we build a proper thingy they wont go to waste!!



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