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Hello could anyone help me with a few questions pesky fox took all three chucks RIP rory henrietta and marshy) on Wed night got 2 speckled hens on Sunday they are not eating very much they are not interested in treats today they spent all day in the eglu.

Can they sense that the fox has been in the garden?

Any ideas for a little tonic?

Does human hair around border work? (Hubby won't pee around border as he says he will be arrested as a flasher!!!!!) :lol:

:lol::lol::lol: REALLY GRATEFUL FOR ANY IDEAS :roll:

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oh no - so sorry to hear that. My guess is that it's not to do with the fox, your new chickens are just a little shy and getting used to their new home. They will come out given time - you say they are not interested in treats, but they are probably just not used to them. Keep trying a few different things.


As far as the fox problem is concerned, there's no easy answer. I really recommend the Foxwatch, it has kept the fox out of my garden BUT you can't rely on it - I never, ever let my girls out unless I am in the garden to supervise. It's a real pain, but I do get lots of gardening done!


I've heard about the human hair thing, don't know if it works. You could always get your OH to pee into a container, and then take it out and sprinkle it! :wink:

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You can give them some aconite for the shock of the move and battles tonic or poultry spice. try shutting the eglu door when they are in the run so they get used to their surroundings. Sounds like they may be young and they are finding this stressful.



if you have a fox problem I'd keep them in the run :)


BBx :wink:

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It's very normal for new chickens to not eat much and be a bit timid to start with. Also, as they've probably only been fed mash/pellets and kept in a barn, it will take them a little while to develop a taste for treats and other food - bit like babies really. If you offer them a tiny amount of something different each day, they'll soon discover something they like.

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Thank you very much to everyone l will try all suggestions l will ring the place to check what they were fed on as Dorie's poo is a little runny so it could the food, l'm feeeding them organic layer pellets they spent the day in the eglu again l do not have the run attached yet so they could have full use of garden l managed to catch them this afternoon and bring them inside (much to the pleasure of 6 month old puppy thinking she had new playmates :roll: ) and they had about half a hand full of corn so progress being made once again thank you everyone. :D

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