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My chick..my TNN... it's a...

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I phoned yesterday to ask, as I'd been thinking about what my Plan B would be in the event that he was a he, and I would have to wait until May or June for a female.


Inside I'm so excited, outside I'm trying to keep control of myself..it's only chickens, right?


Anyway, I'm hoping to be able to collect her and the Buff Sussex at the end of February. I've phoned Tracy at Southmead to see if she will have a Bluebelle available then so I can get them all on the same day. I hope she has, as she's had so many recommendations. If not..well, I've got a few other breeders to try.


I've now ordered the next few bits and pieces (Foxwatch, tub trugs, red mite powder, pink egg boxes..), and I just have the perishables like food to order. As this "goes off", I'll wait until just before they arrive to get that.


And I just need some good weather so DH can put up the run. It's all made, just sitting in sections in the greenhouse waiting for the weather to be good enough for us to level the ground.


I'm so excited. I just needed to share. Thanks for reading.


(TNN-Transylvanian Naked Neck)

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Inside I'm so excited, outside I'm trying to keep control of myself..it's only chickens, right?


And your point is, WitchHazel? :wink:


Don't worry, you are in good company on here - there's no such thing as 'only chickens'! Great news, look forward to seeing pics, I don't think many people on here have TNNs.

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