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Where to buy free range chicken?

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I live in North Staffordshire near the Cheshire border. Can anyone recommend somewhere good to buy free range chicken?


In the past I have bought it from the supermarket which I don't really like doing. For one thing I would like to support local businesses and also the supermarkets have very poor stock of free range and organic meat. Unless you get there soon after a delivery, it has all gone (especially since the recent programmes on TV)!


I have tried all of the butchers shops in town but can you believe that none of them stock free range chicken?! One butcher was quite rude when I asked if his chicken was free range. He has lots of posters on the walls of his shop stating that his beef and lamb is from local farmers etc but he obviously doesn't give a damn where his chicken comes from :evil:


Any advice would be appreciated, thanks :)

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Thanks for your replies. I will do a search to see if there are any Farmers Markets close by - I don't mind travelling a bit anyway.


The butchers isn't too far for us Poet, like you say we could make a day of it!


Our local Morrisons was always very poorly stocked with organic and free range meat and has been completely sold out since the recent tv programmes.

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