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Well Mel, How did it go?????????

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I didnt get home until 7.30 and could only just muster the energy to have a HUGE gin and tonic (nothing new there then..........) and something to eat.

I then had a really busy day yesterday, leaving home at 6.15am and not getting home until 7pm (yes, one flake of snow on the M27 and it all grinds to a stand still!)


I think it went ok.

I managed to do the presentation and answer the questions without bursting into tears (which is what I felt like doing :roll: ) and I completed my psychopath (sorry, psycometric) test.


Apparently they will let me know in 2 weeks :roll:


I am now getting on with the important things in life







omlet forum






and Paul :wink:

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OK, I only pop on the forum now and then, because before Xmas the whole house was coming to a standstill because of my addiction to this forum. :oops: So tell me please, without me going through all the topics, what was the presentation for Mel? Fill me in on the goss :)




But Mel will tell you all about it.


How did you 'view' them then Mel (naked - in fancy dress - as animals) Whatever it was I just know you will have passed it with flying colours.



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I had an interview on Monday for a managers job in our Bristol office and I had to do a presentation on "how we will ensure we deliver exemplary customer service"


It all went ok - the head of liability services couldnt be there (see how important I am..... :roll: ) so as well as the Regional Director I had the head of HR interviewing me. I decided against nakedness but decided that I would look at them as if they were chickens. I think I decided that Allan was a Rhode Island Red and Amanda a Buff Orpington :wink:

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