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too windy for a wind farm!!

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For the past few weeks there has been a jacking barge moored about a mile offshore doing test drilling to see if the seabed is suitable for supporting the proposed super dooper new windfarm.


This thing is basically a floating barge that can drop legs through its hull to the seabed and lift itself clear of the water to form a stable drilling platform, a mini oil rig if you like.


Anyway it has been rather windy over the last few days, some would say quite bracing, you guessed it the drilling barge has well, blown away. :shock: How Ironic!


It must have taken a bit of a lumpy sea to break it's moorings!


It has managed (not unlike myself :D ) to get legless and wind up in a bit of state on the beach not far from our house.


Here is a photo taken by the lad next door.








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They are building a load of windturbines and stuff in the Wash - actually off Skegness. We watch from a distance with interest!


I sailed up to the Scroby sands windfarm off Yarmouth a couple of years ago, in an old sailing smack called the Excelsior. It was brilliant - sailing round a modern energy producer in the last fishing smack to work a trawl under sail in the UK (so I'm told).


Old and new technology together.

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