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Sudden Lack of Eggs!

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Hello all,


Well, after the various incidents of theft of my little girls, they went through the whole process really well (those who came back, anyway), and I only missed a couple of eggs throughout the whole process.


BUT - I would say about 5 days ago now, they ALL stopped laying. I have absolutely no idea why, they all seem as happy as they ever have, all still enjoy coming out into the garden at the weekend.


Their combs look fine, and I haven't seen anything untoward going on between them at all. I just thought it was very strange to have them ALL stop laying the same day, and to not start up again after a couple of days.


I have been leaving the door open on their house, so they an let themselves out in the morning, and the local fox has been getting pretty daring, usually he prowls around the perimeter, then leaves. More recently, he has been spotted ON the run, but still, the chooks were all indoors.


Anyway - I have been closing the door the last 2 nights, thinking that way they wouldn't see any foxes, and would be protected from the weather.


The only thing they are doing differently is that they have taken to ALL sleeping in the egg-laying bit of their cube, whereas usually they would all sleep in the roosting section.


Any ideas? How long does it take from a scare to them starting to lay again?



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Was just thinking the same, Egluntine. I'd be inclined to invest in a Foxwatch as maybe they can still sense its presence, even with the door shut, and also because it will increase their protection.


The fox is very likely to persist, including visiting when they are in the run during daylight. They can even be unfazed by a human, so supervision has to be very close indeed.


Could they have made a nest in the garden at the w/e?


Do keep us posted.

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Thanks for your replies...


No garden nest I am afraid - although they have finally discovered the art of dust-bathing... not in the dish I provided, oh no, instead, they decided a dirty great hole in the middle of my lawn was a better idea - bloomin' birds!


Didn't think of mites... will have a look in the light!


I'll look into a FoxWatch - do they bother cats?


How long would you think after a fright would they start laying again?




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Thanks for your replies...


No garden nest I am afraid - although they have finally discovered the art of dust-bathing... not in the dish I provided, oh no, instead, they decided a dirty great hole in the middle of my lawn was a better idea - bloomin' birds!


Didn't think of mites... will have a look in the light!


I'll look into a FoxWatch - do they bother cats?


How long would you think after a fright would they start laying again?






I got a fox watch 2 weeks ago & it seems to work well, my cats don't take any notice of it

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