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I hate BT

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I have just come off the phone to BT after enquiring about a home hub and whether or not my hubby will be able to stream the music stored on his pc through his internet radio, which of course they haven't a clue but they say they have and yes of course it will work. I have agreed to everything and now I am stressed out as to whether or not I have done the right thing, I am very naive and very easily talked into things, whereas hubby suspects everything and everyones motives :oops:


I seem now to have been upgraded to option 2 for home phone for the same price I am currently paying and broadband option 2 for less than the price I am paying for broadband option 1 at the moment, but I feel as if I have been pressured into it and I must be being conned somewhere. Oh and the hub was also free also. Hubby thinks the tele sales people get commision just for changing peoples packages but things that seem too good to be true usually are :? Or is it just a case of if you don't ask you don't get? :?


Now all we need is the internet radio for his birthday next Thursday and if it all works out I will be amazed, I always see, to end up messing up where his birthday is concerned whereas he is great at the whole prezzie thing. I even managed to have a misscarriage the day before his 30th birthday and I have to spend the morning in hospital the day before his birthday this year. As you can probably tell I get well stressed with hubby's birthday, he is great to me and I want to get it right. :(

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I think you are right to be suspish, especially if you don't really understand

the technical bits and you just sort of give in to the salesman's patter. The only thing I think you should check out is that the low price you have been given

might change to a much highter price after the first 6 months :evil: You really do have to read all the 'small' print. Goodluck with it anyway, I hope it all works out.



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I got an internet radio for my birthday, and it cannot connect through the Homehub to the computer, but then we cannot connect the laptop and the main computer through it either, which BT had promised we could do.


I hate BT with a vengeance....

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Chookiehubbie has phoned them several times, as the whole point of getting the homehub was because they promised it would connect the two computers, but nothing, so far, has worked. it's a bit hit or miss when you phone - sometimes you seem to get through to someone who sounds like they know what they are talking about, sometimes not. The last guy he spoke to seemed to think that there was a problem with the hub itself, so I think he's meant to be getting it replaced.


That said, we got a marketing phonecall from BT last week, asking if we wanted a free homehub and internet connection with them, as according to their records we don;t have one with them at the moment. Why are we paying them a fortune every month then?! :roll:

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Did you already have a broadband connection?


We previously had broadband with Orange/Freeserve/Wanadoo whatever their current incarnation is, and everything was fine with them. I'll speak to chookiehubbie tonight, and see if he's had any joy with the homehub, and let you know.

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