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A really good read

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I wanted to recommend this book which I've just read -

Can Any Mother Help Me?


It's about the Co-operative Correspondence Club, a group set up in the 1930s by women who sometimes found themselves living in isolated circumstances with few adult companions, sometimes not even having a radio for company. The women used to write articles and then circulate them as a 'magazine', adding comments as they went.


Interestingly the women used pen-names to correspond. They wrote about their families, domestic life, problems, celebrations and sadness. They gave each other encouragement and support, and often challenged each other's views quite forcefully although always courteously. Strong friendships were formed, and eventually they began to meet up once or twice a year. See any parallels, Omleteers? :wink:


The Club went on until the 1980s, and in fact one of the correspondents, a journalist called Rose Hacker, died only this week at the age of 102. This is a fascinating book, sad in some points but uplifting in others - I really recommend it.

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That book does sound interesting- I'll see if I can order it from my library.


I think its very interesting how people can always find ways to communicate- and although I'm still very new on this forum, I can sense what a great positive thing you have going on- and I'm glad to be part of it :clap:


Right, its a gorgeous sunny day- I'm now off out to spend some quality time with my chickens!

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I like the sound of that book! Will look out for it when I next do a major Amazon shopping expedition. It sounds a lot like my other favourite group - "The Herrings". There's 22 of us and we formed our own little group after "meeting" on the Danish Mothers Abroad website. I'm no longer abroad and not part of the original group anymore, but The Herrings continue. We live in all corners of the World but still there's only 2 of them I still look forward to meeting in person. In fact 4 of us have signed up for a 111km bike ride near Copenhagen at the end of May. Something tells me you might hear more about that bike ride if I can spare the time at the computer writing about it. what with all the training and all :lol: Some people have put the fear of something horrid into me by talking about training schedules, padded cycle shorts, energy drinks and helmet hair :shock: I still think it will be fun and yet another way of meeting up with some people I hardly ever see but know really really well. I can definitely see the similarity to this forum but I'm still not quite so active here. Probably because a lot of what you write about is topical to the UK right now and it has been 2 and a half years since I lived there. Should I ever decide to return I will have a whole load of friends I didn't have when I left as I'm sure I will know you all very well by then. (OK, I admit it, I'm feeling a little homesick every now and then!). Must get that passport renewed and book a cheap Ryan Air flight asap!

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Well, time it for one of our get-togethers if you do! The bike ride sounds great - not sure how far 111km is, but my experience suggests that padded cycle shorts are well worth while. I only ride a bike about once a year, and every time I do I remember how much it makes your bum ache! :wink:


I'd be interested to hear from other people after they've read the book. Hey, maybe we could have an Omlet book club! I am desperate to join one but daren't commit to anything else as I always have too many things going on.

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Hey, maybe we could have an Omlet book club! I am desperate to join one but daren't commit to anything else as I always have too many things going on.


Fantastic idea.


Maybe your suggestion should be our "Book of the Month"!


I've almost finished reading the Memory Keepers Daughter by Kim Edwards and have enjoyed it. (2 friends are waiting to borrow it!) and am about to embark on A quiet Belief in Angels by RJ Ellory ( A Richard and Judy recommmendation :?)

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A book club would be lovely.


I've just worked my way through the 'His Dark Materials' trilogy again (and I haven't dared go to see the film because it won't match my own mental images!), and have treated myself to 'Atonement' and 'On Chesil Beach' as a reward for finishing my essay and handing it in on time this week.


Half term next week so I might actually get to read them!

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Book club sounds like a great idea and the book sounds really interesting - not sure I have time to read it at present though :?


As for the bike ride, Laila, 111km is 70 miles - a bit like doing the London to Cambridge bike ride. You will be surprised at how quickly you can cover the miles on a bike - but get used to 'sitting in the saddle' before you attempt that distance, wear padded shorts and have 'smooth' tyres rather than k"Ooops, word censored!"bly mountain bike ones (the k"Ooops, word censored!"bly ones require more energy and are not needed if rising on roads/paths). Make sure you stop and eat cake at least once every hour! Don't worry you will be using up the calories....

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I would like to be in a book club but would never finish them in time. I read for half an hour then my eyes close :? . And how would I find more time in the day to discuss it? I'm on here every spare minute as it is :oops: .


Make sure you stop and eat cake at least once every hour! Don't worry you will be using up the calories....


We're going on a cycling holiday in Italy in July (about 30-40 miles a day :shock: ). That is the best advice I've seen yet :D . I will be taking it :D .

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I would like to be in a book club but would never finish them in time. I read for half an hour then my eyes close :? . And how would I find more time in the day to discuss it? I'm on here every spare minute as it is :oops: .


Make sure you stop and eat cake at least once every hour! Don't worry you will be using up the calories....


We're going on a cycling holiday in Italy in July (about 30-40 miles a day :shock: ). That is the best advice I've seen yet :D . I will be taking it :D .


What part of Italy? :D


Book club sounds fab :D I could manage one book a month :wink:

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Yay! :D


Thanks Cinnamon! We have the best Mods anywhere.


I haven't even had time to start it yet - today is my 'get work done at home' day, although I seem to spend a lot of it on here :oops: . Maybe if I got the work done on Thursday I wouldn't still be so busy on Friday.... hmm. :?


I haven't got time to commit to a RL book club so a Forum one would be fab.

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I read "On Chesil Beach" last week! Quite satisfying to read a book in a few days as its really a novellette- if there is such a word? (or perhaps I should just call it a short book!).


I have just started reading Atonement too! I thought I would like to read it before seeing it on the big screen rather than the other way round.


I would absolutely love to be part of an Omlet book club if it can be organised, several of my friends in RL have said they would like to start our own book club but unfortunately everyone is just too busy to commit at the mo.

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yep- there must definitely be something about a person that makes them want and love to keep chickens. (and that something is a good thing!)


MOst things that I'm passionate about seem to be things that others are passionate about too- recyling, where our food comes from, ethical living in general I suppose...

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I think that's true, although I've also had my eyes opened to a few things since I joined the forum - the 'hidden battery eggs' being just one of them!


Thanks Cinnamon, it was a sort of idle suggestion but there does seem to be some interest in a book club. I would absolutely love it as I read a lot - I do share books with friends, but I'd really enjoy the chance to discuss a specific book in a bit more detail.

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I'm reading the autobiography of clarissa dickson wright the larger of the 2 fat ladies. It is a fascinating insight into many walks of life and the life of an alcoholic. She is definately someone who has experienced enough to write her memoirs unlike some of the celebs who insist on writing them.


It is called spilling the beans

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