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Chicken run cleaner

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I've just finished a conversation with a guy from EMAmerica, makers of EM1 which is the stuff that goes into making Bokashi Bran. He was telling me that EM1 can be sprayed directly onto the soil and all the good bacteria's will get to work on the bad bacteria's. This is called soil remediation. The EM1 liquid can also be added to the chickens drinking water.


Since I received a bottle of the EM1 with my Bokashi Bin and I have cats that prefer to use my garden to do their business, I was going to use the EM1 liquid to help clean-up the garden soil. I would hate to think that my egg-layers are eating cat poo :shock:


I hope your chicken gets better.



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What it is that about a month ago l had to have one of my chickens put to sleep. She had blood comming from her bottom and had lost alot of weight and soon stoped laying eggs.The vet said it could be a tumer or egg perinities.Yesterday another one of my chickens is bleeding and oozing from her bottom.A friend said it could be there run as its funny that 2 chickens in a short space of time have become ill.Shes still laying but its the same patteren as the other one.My chickens are cleaned out every week and are fed good food.But l dont clean the soil its really hard to get to and they seem to dig it over anyway.I really dont want to lose another chook.I love them and enjoy there company. :?

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What it is that about a month ago l had to have one of my chickens put to sleep. She had blood comming from her bottom and had lost alot of weight and soon stoped laying eggs.The vet said it could be a tumer or egg perinities.Yesterday another one of my chickens is bleeding and oozing from her bottom.. :?


it could be coccidiosis, you should get her to a vet asap




by the way, stalosan f claims to be highly effective in preventing coccidiosis but it's not a cure, you still need to take your girl to a vet but hopefully it will prevent any further infestation.

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My last chicken was treated for that l have enough left to treat this one but because the other one died still l sort of ruled that out.They are all wormed going to ring the vet may be a sample would get to the bottom of it.Why do vets charge so much gggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :shock:

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I have taken chicken to vet and there going to put her poo under a microscope and xray her so £100 or so latter may be ill find out what the problem is.She said theres alot of wee and no poo around vent which was worrying.Got to pick her up latter so willl let you all know.She also said its not likely to be egg problems as shes still laying as normal.Also she said there was not much food in her crop. :?

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