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Thinking of getting chickens!

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Hi, im new to the site and am thinking of getting chickens and of course an eglu!

I was just wondering if you could give me any advice:

Im completely new to the idea of keeping chooks but have been looking at the breeds and I would love 2 Silkies and 2 of another breed (possibly bigger and a breed that are good egg-layers) - would this be possible? What second breed would anyone recommend?


stacey :?


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Hello Phonix and welcome to the forum :D . You won't regret getting hens or an eglu - they're brilliant :lol: .


Can't advise on breeds really - I have a Rhode Island Red, a Pied Suffolk and a Columbine (who lays green eggs 8) ).


If you're looking for general advice about chicken keeping, you could do worse than spend time reading up on here. There have been loads of new members recently who have asked all the appropriate questions :) .

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thanks for the speedy replies!

I can't get Omlet chickens i'm afraid - they don't cover my area!

I love the look of Silkies and from all my reading (sneaking in the forums included) they seem to be ideal friendly pets BUT i still want a couple that are good layers but don't know if i should mix the two!

Im already getting the feeling that chickens are addictive!


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Hello Phonix and welcome to the forum! :D


Yes, you are right chickens are certainly addictive! :wink:


My advice would be to find a breeder near you and contact them. Go and see what you like the look of.


its very easy to fall in love with a breed and then not be able to get it locally.


All the best

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its very easy to fall in love with a breed and then not be able to get it locally.


I agree with the above, like Christian says - check out some of the breeders in your area and go and have a wander around and see them. There are so many to choose from, sometimes you end up falling in love with something you dont expect to get! :D


Welcome to the forum by the way. :wink:

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well still no luck with locating a breeder closer to merseyside so the one I found in Penrith says he has these breeds available:

Cochin, light sussex, gold silkie bantam, white silkies, salmon faverolles and POL warrens....


I know absolutely nothing about chickens and was wondering if anyone could tell me a bit about any of these breeds?


I think im getting a bit ahead of myself as i wont be able to get the chooks for a while but im just sooo excited lol



stacey x

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We have cochins.


They are probably one of the biggest breeds you can get, very fluffy (but cuddly). They like to free range as they need exercise as they can tend to be lazy and get fat, they dont fly so can be kept with relatively low fencing. they arent good layers, ours are 10months old and have only just started! :roll: They are beautiful though and i wouldnt be without them but I think they are more a "glam chook" than a traditional layer. :lol:


interesting fact about cochins - they originate from china and their feathers were once used to stuff duvets! :idea:

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