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Ain't Nobody Here

Maisie's laid 2 shell-less eggs (warning: yucky photo!)

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After posting about Maisie laying for weeks and weeks without a day off, she's now laid 2 shell-less eggs - 2 perfect yolks and 2 scrumpled baggy things :( .


I feel such a bad mummy that I didn't notice - my OH spotted it this morning but they were presumably there for a day or so before :( .


The odd thing is, her eggs are always so hard that you have to really bash them to crack them.


I'll give her some crushed baked eggshell in her tea tonight - do you think that'll do the trick? (They all hoover up the mixed grit/oystershell that's available every day.)


Here's a picture in case it helps others know what they're looking for (apologies for the copious amounts of poo :vom::oops: , the tray was due an empty :roll: . Proves the bokashi works, though :wink: .)



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Tortoises have limestone flour too to help with the growth of their shells - thats why it links to a tortoise site - they tend to sell in smaller quantities than if you buy from a horsey type shop. I dont think it would hurt to give to younger girls - especially if they should be coming into lay soon

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Ive just had the same thing ANH, one of mine laid a softie and I dint even realise. Just found it in the dropping tray. I had been down to only one white egg a day so Im guessing its perdy or dippy, but they have both been behaving like normal and Im back to 2 a day from them. Guess it didnt upset them to much, perhaps Maise and Dippy both have been laying a bit to prolifically for their own good.

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