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Red Mite Treatment...Xeno 200

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Called in at the vets today to ask if they would give me prescription for some Frontline spray for the Ex-batts I'm going to adopt.


I thought they might not be prepared to...sight unseen, so to speak.


Anyroad up, the vet said that **Xeno 200** was much better and that she would be very happy to let me take some. It contains Ivermectin. Egg withdrawal 7 days.


Also she said if you get Red Mite in the hen house, the very best treatment is **RIP Flea Treatment**


She them went on to say that you can now get these amazing little plastic houses called Eglus.....and that she was thinking of buying one.!!!



I thought I'd mention these products as I don't remember hearing about them before on the forum. :lol:

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