Ponymad Posted February 24, 2008 Share Posted February 24, 2008 I am so excited, yesterday I asked my mum if I can get chickens for my bday....and she said yes! I know absolutly nothing about chickens! apart from all the posts Ive read in this forum! So Im guna need some help.... Eglu or cube? How many chickens - will I want more ? I have an ok sized garden so would the chickens ruin the grass or would they need to be on permanent ground? If on grass how often would the run need to be moved? and if on permanent - what surface? does that have to be emptied? Oh and er... how often does each part of their house need to be cleaned? Thanks sooo much for any help! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christian Posted February 24, 2008 Share Posted February 24, 2008 Congratulations on getting chickens!!! You will love them. They are fantastic pets and really easy to look after. Keep reading the forum and ask any questions you need to. Have you thought about going to a 'hen party'?? Details are on the main Omlet page under 'courses' Good luck and welcome to the forum. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
clucky1 Posted February 24, 2008 Share Posted February 24, 2008 GREAT News - You will love it ! I am a bit of a newbie too. So I will answer some of the things that I have experienced too. We bought a cube. This I am glad as we have been able to add to our brood as we have become more confident looking after chickens. We now have 6 med sized hens. Although we are to get 2 more. Our hens do free-range during the day. If this wasn't the case - I think I would probably get one of the hen extensions. Even moving the cube around the grass still gets messed up. So we have now positioned it permently on a layer of 'HEMCORE' - you may have come across this with the horses. We just move it once a week to give it a thorough cleaning. You can rake out any poos in between if need be. Hope this helps . HAVE fun Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ponymad Posted February 24, 2008 Author Share Posted February 24, 2008 ok thanks! how think would the layer need to be? and would it need to be blocked in? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
clucky1 Posted February 25, 2008 Share Posted February 25, 2008 I tend to put about an inch into the cubes run and rake it over. Although my 'girlies' tend to prefer to do it themself. They really seem to like the stuff. I know that some people on this forum have put various types of edging around from the plastic roll out stuff to the wooden edging. We haven't done this so that we still have the option to move it when we wan't to have a thourough rake out which we do every couple of weeks.Our girlies do free-roam the garden tho - If the chickens were to be in the run all the time this would have to be done more regularly. Hope this helps Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Egluntyne Posted February 25, 2008 Share Posted February 25, 2008 Congratulations....What a super present! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eyren Posted February 25, 2008 Share Posted February 25, 2008 I am so excited, yesterday I asked my mum if I can get chickens for my bday....and she said yes! I know absolutly nothing about chickens! apart from all the posts Ive read in this forum! So Im guna need some help.... Congrats - what a great present! Eglu or cube? Depends on how much space you have. You say your garden is OK-sized, so a cube is probably a better bet. Otherwise you'll just want to upgrade from an eglu before you know it! How many chickens - will I want more ? Definitely! But you could start with a smallish number, say 4, and see how you get on. Introducing new hens to a flock takes a bit of time and patience, but it's not that hard. I have an ok sized garden so would the chickens ruin the grass or would they need to be on permanent ground? Full-sized chickens can be quite hard on your garden - they dig up the flowerbeds and gravel paths, and will quickly scratch grass to mud unless you have a big lawn and can move their run every few days. Most people here find it better to have the run on a permanent base and then let the chickens out to free-range when they can be supervised. The rest you've already had lots of advice on! Have fun with your chickens! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ponymad Posted February 25, 2008 Author Share Posted February 25, 2008 Ok thanks for the advice every1! Also are the chickens that you can buy with the eglu/cube the best type to go for for a beginner, eg egg laying and friendlyness???... o and another thing.... um how do you hold a chicken? do most people hold their chickens. and another thing.... I wouldnt really want to have to go through re doing the whole pecking order thing.. so if I was o get a cube, how many chickens is best for me to get?... and if it was an eglu... how many chickens are best in an eglu? Thanks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Egluntyne Posted February 25, 2008 Share Posted February 25, 2008 Ok thanks for the advice every1! Also are the chickens that you can buy with the eglu/cube the best type to go for for a beginner, eg egg laying and friendlyness???... Yes, I would say so....they are lovely characters and reliable layers. o and another thing.... um how do you hold a chicken? do most people hold their chickens. I just tuck them under my arm. Siome support them along the forearm. If you get them from Omlet you will be shown how to hold them so don't worry about that. and another thing.... I wouldnt really want to have to go through re doing the whole pecking order thing.. so if I was o get a cube, how many chickens is best for me to get?... and if it was an eglu... how many chickens are best in an eglu? If you are getting a cube I'd say 6, and an Eglu, 3, or if you are getting a converter maybe 4. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ponymad Posted February 25, 2008 Author Share Posted February 25, 2008 Ok thats!!! Im so excited!!! Also....... How often do poo trays have to be cleaned? And will the run need to be covered? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Egluntyne Posted February 25, 2008 Share Posted February 25, 2008 Ok thats!!! Im so excited!!! Also....... How often do poo trays have to be cleaned? Once or twice a week. And will the run need to be covered? Most people do cover it. I used a clear plastic from Dunelm Mill, anchored down with bungee ropes. Others have used a clear Ikea shower curtain. Best to have clear if you can as light helps with the laying, but any will do really. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ponymad Posted February 25, 2008 Author Share Posted February 25, 2008 Ok thanks Any other ideas on base covering for the cube/eglu? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ponymad Posted February 26, 2008 Author Share Posted February 26, 2008 Please can someone tell me the pros and cons about the eglu and cube?! I still cant decide!!!! Thanks for all the help, and sorry for all the questions!!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Treekeeper Posted February 26, 2008 Share Posted February 26, 2008 I would get a cube if you can because an Eglu fills up awfully quickly! I've got 4 in mine but looking at how close they squash together at night I could probably get another 4 in!! I do have a large walk in run that they pootle round in all day, saves the flower beds and uses up the useless area under the trees that no plants will grow in as it's too dry and keeps 'em away from the mad spaniel. I don't think he'd kill them but he does like carrying birds round! With regards to a permanent run best floor covering Hemcore, Abuoise, Easibed all horsey stuff so you should be familiar with it. However many you start with you will want more! Make sure you get a couple of hybrids to gurantee eggs and then get some pretty ones like wyandottes, Sebrights etc. Good luck you'll be a mad chicken nutter like the rest of us soon Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ponymad Posted February 26, 2008 Author Share Posted February 26, 2008 I know!! It is quite scary really! Does hemcore, Abuoise and Easibed all turn to mush or watever when it rains, ie will the run have to be covered whatever I use? (I only use shavings with the horses). Would it be ok to put shavings on the run base? Also would it be ok for them to be in a shed in a cube? As I thought this would avoid rain, wind ect (and rats). Thanks again!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Treekeeper Posted February 26, 2008 Share Posted February 26, 2008 My run has a roof on it so it stops the base going all mushy. You could put your cube in a shed but it might be a bit dark they do like light to lay. I think shavings are OK it's bark that gets spores in it so best avoided Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Egluntyne Posted February 26, 2008 Share Posted February 26, 2008 I would cover the run Ponymad, as the Aubiose etc will absorb rain and will not be very pleasant for the hens to walk on until it dries again.....and in our climate........ The shed will protect them from the weather, but not from rats, redmite which lives in wood and can travel a fair distance to feed off the chickens at night....and they wont have much of a view! Woodshavings wouldn't be by choice for the run, but thee are those who like them. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ponymad Posted February 26, 2008 Author Share Posted February 26, 2008 Ok thanks every1! Im going to prob get the shade from omlet.... Is 1 enough to cover the whole run? or is there a better method for this? Any more ideas re. pros and cons for cube/eglus! Thanks!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clur Posted February 27, 2008 Share Posted February 27, 2008 We bought the eglu and chickens for our children for Christmas and started with 3 chickens which we feel is enough for them (Me!!) to look after. The eglu started out on the grass but I was worried about cleaning the run well enough, so we've moved it onto patio at the side of the house and made sure we have a good depth of hemcore covering the slabs. I've also put in a bit of a tree branch to entertain the ladies and allow them to perch. I didn't go with the Omlet cover for the run as it didn't have particularly good reviews, so I bought some clear plastic sheeting from B&Q and have used that instead. I change the hemcore every couple of weeks and will jet wash the patio once a month. I clean the eglu out once a week with soapy water and use hemcore and straw in the nesting box. You will love keeping chickens, but I'd ask your mum and dad as to whether you can have an eglu or a cube - the price is very different Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ponymad Posted February 27, 2008 Author Share Posted February 27, 2008 My mum and dad are undecided.... My dad wants the cube, he thinks the bigger the better and mums not sure if it will be to much, the practicle one of course! I think we are prob going to get the cube and 5 chickens, there are 5 of us in our family, so 1 chicken each. Will 5 chickens in a standard cube have enough space, if they dont have much free ranging time a week. We could get an extension aswell if this would be more suitible..... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Egluntyne Posted February 27, 2008 Share Posted February 27, 2008 They say the cube plus standard run is big enough for 6 hens.....if you get an additional run, you could add more hens later. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ponymad Posted February 27, 2008 Author Share Posted February 27, 2008 Kl thanks Any other opinions any1? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luthien Posted February 27, 2008 Share Posted February 27, 2008 I just want to say I know what your going through I've recently panicked about getting chickens and either the eglu or cube, I've been thinking of the eglu as I could get them sooner maybe and its less £'s. But the cube would be so nice for them and we would prob (if everything goes ok) get some more after we've moved. I wanted 5-6 hens to begin with but think 3 might be better, a white egg layer, a normal brown egg layer and a (hopefully) blue egg laying hybrid. Its sounds like your dad is really keen which is a good thing, I've only got my mum here and if I said 2moz no chucks I don't think she would bat an eyelid. I'm sure it will be ok, you'll stress to high heavens about it and when you get them be surprised that they are easy to look after and love them to bits, well thats what I'm hoping will happen Good luck and keep us all posted Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eyren Posted February 27, 2008 Share Posted February 27, 2008 Nope - sounds like you have the equipment side sorted! 5-6 chickens in a cube with a standard run, shower curtain for a cover - all you need to do now is decide what breeds! If you want five at once, you might be better off getting them from somewhere other than Omlet, because they only do two sorts (Gingernut Ranger and Miss Pepperpot). Going elsewhere gives you the chance to choose breeds that lay different coloured eggs - not only do they look nice in the egg box, but you have a better idea which of your hens are laying. Look out for a breeder near you that sells Araucanas, Cream Legbars, Columbines or Skylines, as these breeds all lay tinted eggs - blue or green or khaki. Other breeds lay brown, white, or cream-coloured eggs, so you could have one of each colour Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DiamondsEggs Posted February 27, 2008 Share Posted February 27, 2008 I Had 3 Chickens For My B-day! But we had 20 before That So... Not sure about a Number Maybe 4 - 6 Might be enough One Thing though! Make sure you make a fox proof Run. Foxes will do whatever they can to try and feed their cubs they'll keep Pulling at the run. So Make sure they can be safe at Night Good Luck And Have A Nice B-day x Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...