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I wanted to use some of my organic mince from my meat box to make burgers one night for dinner. Going to make some home made buns for them to go in too.


I saw a bit of Gordon ramseys kitchen nightmares USA last week and he did what looked like a really nice receipe with paprika in it but I cant find it on the net anywhere. The only one of his I can find it really over the top with veal and frois gras.


Anyone know this receipe or can give me another yummy one?

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can't help with Gordon's recipes but we make them with a little finely chopped onion plenty of seasoning and some chopped fresh coriander and sometime a bit of chilli if we are feeling spicy, some paprika would be nice.


We have a lakeland burger shaper and the cellophane discs that keep them seperate which helps them to stay together and cook evenly

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Here we go-


1lb/500g ground beef

1 half onion grated or finely chopped

4 pinches ground coriander

4 pinches paprika powder

a little pepper, fresh ground is better

a little salt

1 hand fresh bread crumbs

1 egg lightly beaten

1 quarter beef stock block dissolved in a quarter cup water



Mix all the patty ingredients thoroughly, leaving the salt for after the patties are cooked if you prefer.

Make sure the mixture is cool. Divide mixture into 4 equal balls and mold into patties


Cook on medium heat under the grill, on the barbecue or in a pan untill the patty is cooked to your preferred degree of doneness or the internal temp reaches 160F/70C

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Poet I dont know if you tried this recipe yet but I did it last night.

I made rolls with my bread maker and hade them with caramalised onions baby spinach, cheese, mayo and relish inside and they were so yum!


I recomend them hartily to everyone.

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We always do this one - its from Ainsleys BBQ Bible & is fab 8)


serves 4


750g Minced beef

2 garlic Cloves

1 Small Onion

2 Tblespoons double cream

1 tablespoon Parsley,chopped

salt & fresh black pepper.


Mix it all togather & shape into 4 Burgers.

Then BBQ or grill them (best on a foiled baking tray), brush with a little oil if they stick


They are really nice & have a wonderful beefy flavour 8)

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