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Cat chasing chickens

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My neighbour's cat has a love affair with our garden.

He's a lovely cat, and my children adore him, so the fact that he spends more time our side of the fence than theirs isn't the problem...

It's just that he has taken a fancy to chasing the chickens.


Omlet - who is one big bird (!) - stops, raises her neck feathers and hisses at him in a VERY scary manner.

Ginger however runs for it and then the cat chases her thinking it to be a wonderful game.


I'm worried that she is going to have a heart attack or fall over when she's being chased and hurt herself.


I have scolded the cat, but I am not convinced he's listening.


Does anyone have any ideas of what I can do? The girls just love free-ranging and I don't want to keep them in the run all the time.

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Maybe you could supervise their free-ranging for a while, and shoo him away when he chases Ginger? I'm willing to bet that sooner or later Omlet will give him a good peck and he'll change his mind about chasing chickens!


Our old moggy is a fearsome mouser, but she has learnt to avoid chickens - the other morning I saw her take the long way round the garden rather than run the gauntlet of three bantams! :lol:

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Maybe you could supervise their free-ranging for a while, and shoo him away when he chases Ginger? I'm willing to bet that sooner or later Omlet will give him a good peck and he'll change his mind about chasing chickens!



I tend to agree :lol:


Meanwhile have you tried the old "water pistol verses the cat" trick??

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Thanks all - I'll be getting a water pistol this weekend. Son is over the moon :D and wants to know whether we can get a high-pressure water bazooka(!)


More worrying than the cat however is the fact that when I got home this evening my sister-in-law says that a very ugly fox was lazily strolling through our garden this afternoon.

Chooks were a bit agitated, but I am just thankful that they were securely locked up in their run.


Will be building a scarecrow this week, getting stockings of hair and will attempt to get some friendly male to do his duty round the place!!


I hate foxes!! :evil::-(

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