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Different coloured eggs?

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I have two rhodie x sussex and had my first two eggs this morning which is ace :D but I thought because they were both the same breed that they would lay the same colour eggs , so I was really chuffed when I got different colours.

Please would you mind explaining to the newbie how this works :roll::lol:

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First eggs can sometimes be a bit different to their 'normal' eggs, odd sizes, shapes and colours! My gingernuts have occasionally laid a very pale egg (although never white) so it may be a blip. But even with the same breed chicken, there are ways to tell who laid what (if you are an anorak like me :roll: ). I have 3 gingernuts and I can tell each of their eggs apart - shade of brown, shape of egg, smoothness of shell. Hope she continues to lay white eggs for you though - that will be a novelty! Someone recently had a maran that laid blue eggs instead of dark brown! :shock:8)

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I have two rhodie x sussex and had my first two eggs this morning which is ace :D but I thought because they were both the same breed that they would lay the same colour eggs , so I was really chuffed when I got different colours.

Please would you mind explaining to the newbie how this works :roll::lol:


If they are cross-breeds, they will get different "breed-related" genes from each parent. Some genes are sex-linked, so hens often look different from cockerels (IIRC, GingerNut Ranger cockerels are white), but other genes will occur in random combinations. If one parent has genes for brown eggs and one for white, their offspring could lay either colour.


It's not really any different from humans - often girls resemble their mum and boys their dad, but there are plenty of families where it's the other way round, or where they resemble granny or grandad (or the milkman ;) ).

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I checked this morning -Poppy = white ears , Rose = red ears.


Well , you learn something new every day :!:


Poppy laid another !eggwhite! too 8)


I don't think I'll get too many strange eggs as when I got my ladies they had already been laying for a month.


I'll be keeping an eye on that postie Eyren :lol:

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