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Guest Debs13

Jimmy on Radio 2

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  Ain said:
I heard him :D but :( . He's having to slaughter half of his rare breed pigs because he can no longer afford to feed them (there were other pig farmers phoning in saying the same). Wheat has suddenly jumped in price I think?


Very sad but he was lovely and spoke very eloquently.


His pigs are lovely. We have been to the farm a couple of times for Omlet get togethers, a great place to go


A real, real shame if this happens:(

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It makes my blood boil! :evil::evil::evil:


Rising wheat prices are being blamed for pig farmers going out of business. If the supermarkets want to buy pork, then they need to buy it at what it costs. It's the same old story. :evil::evil:


I've signed!

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Thanks Debs for bringing this to my attention. :shock: I have just signed up and no doubt the rest of the forum will do so as well.


With all the problems we have had in this country with "cheap chicken" :(

the last thing we want is for our pork industry to go down the pan. :evil:





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I missed this, what did he say? Because I'm a little wary of signing the petition - I quite agree with fairer prices for ALL animal farmers, the price supermarkets pay is ridiculous, but I'm also wary of supporting an industry that may not be promoting the animal welfare standards that I consider to be correct. Long distance transport, confining stalls, concrete floors, presumably this petition doesn't support that type of farming or Jimmy wouldn't be supporting it right?


Mrs Bertie


(waiting for the onslaught of outraged Ometeers......)

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I'll have to go and check it out........and sign the petition do. I'm in full support of the British farmer. I'd prefer that all animals were well treated, and make very conscious decisions about the meat that I choose to buy, but bearing in mind a certain sector of society will always want cheap meat we can't afford to let any British farmer stop producing, otherwise it opens the floodgates for imports from other countries where the standards may be much lower.


I heard a little snippet about this on the radio yesterday.........a group of struggling pig farmers have released a single, to the tune of "Stand by Your Man" they're singing (if that's the correct word :shock: ) "Stand by Your Ham" :shock: . It was so bad it's funny. I'll have to see if I can find a link.

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  Afamily said:
I'd prefer that all animals were well treated, and make very conscious decisions about the meat that I choose to buy, but bearing in mind a certain sector of society will always want cheap meat we can't afford to let any British farmer stop producing, otherwise it opens the floodgates for imports from other countries where the standards may be much lower


Good point well made, and I don't think there's any question that in the majority of the cases, the standards abroad for intensive farming are MUCH lower, or if not lower then different. Plus there's then the issue of the poor creatures being carted half way across the continent with no breaks. What is it my car sticker says? "70 hours, no water, suffocating heat, then death".

Think I'll go back and sign it now.


Mrs Bertie

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I have signed the petition. I watched with great interest the start and growth of Jimmy's Farm on TV. Farmers in the UK deserve a good deal for what they produce. When you think of the hard work, long hours and money that farmers give to produce food for the Nation, they deserve our support.

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