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m/wave crisp maker, what do you think?

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DH spotted a thread for this on the GYO forum and a few people have sung its praises, just wondered if anyone here had one and if you think it's any good.


I adore beetroot and parsnip crisps but they're not cheap so was thinking of buying one of these but wondered if it was worth the money???



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I tried one many, many years ago. I was so thrilled to have it and diligently sliced potatoes thinly etc. But the result was terrible, most unappetising. I threw the rack away and never bothered again.


That must be 15 years ago, so maybe things have improved since then?

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I tried one many, many years ago. I was so thrilled to have it and diligently sliced potatoes thinly etc. But the result was terrible, most unappetising. I threw the rack away and never bothered again.


That must be 15 years ago, so maybe things have improved since then?


Same here Ginette, they tasted awful and it just wasn't worth the faff....... :roll:

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I tried one many, many years ago. I was so thrilled to have it and diligently sliced potatoes thinly etc. But the result was terrible, most unappetising. I threw the rack away and never bothered again.


That must be 15 years ago, so maybe things have improved since then?


Ditto!! I was so disappointed....I thought I was goung to be able to produce an inexpensive and fat free snack for the family. It just didn't work...it was like eating thin slices of wood.


It went to a charity shop.

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