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register address??

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Has this happened to anyone else? I went to get some layers pellets on Saturday and went to a large country shop. Got a large sack and a bale of Easibed for £12.00 and when I went to pay the lad on the till said if you want pellets you will have to register your name and address or we can't sell 'em to you. I queried what legislation demanded this and he couldn't answer. As i didn't have time to put my barrack room laywers hat on I stumped up address and paid and exited the building stage left :)

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do you think the young lad got you confused with someone/something else at the till?


Was it busy when you were paying and he seemed confused? :think:


Maybe he thought you were buying pig feed and not chickens? (i know there are a lot more regulations with pig keeping - not sure about buying feed though)


just some ideas as it seems very odd :?

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Me neither!


Do you think he has completely misunderstood the Defra thingy about registering flocks. :?


It is purely voluntary for the backyard flock owner, and only applies to flocks of over 50 I think.


I would have demanded more info from him, or given him a false name and address. :lol:

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No it wasn't busy I was the only customer, and he checked with a colleague and she said they had to record it as well. I know the DEFRA regs and you can register voluntarily if you are a domestic chook keeper it only becomes mandatory if you have over 50 birds. I await the tons of unsolicited offers and info which will probably fall through my door from WCF and associated retailers, mind you I wouldn't be too upset if it was from their whiskey specialist :!:

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How odd..... I've never been asked this when buying pellets. Maybe they've decided to drum up support for their mailing list like you say..... Who did he want to to "register" with......the shop or DEFRA??


I registered with DEFRA voluntarily but then I would never tell anyone in a shop because it's none of their business as I've got less than 50 chickens anyway

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He only asked for me to register with the shop so he could sell the pellets to me. I would have no issue registering with DEFRA if I thought it was required but AI has never got as far as me yet and my hens are in a covered run with mesh too small for wild birds to get through so any risk is minimal.

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