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what sand should i get for my chickens?

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Of course they'll probably ignore what you provide and dig their own :roll::lol:


The other day Pepper (my biggest bantam) dug a huge crater in the middle of the run. Luckily it's on a permanent base - I wouldn't want her doing that to the lawn!

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I used a shallow, red tub trug. I filled it with a mixture of boradly equal quantities of: playpit sand, compost (potting and general purpose), andwood ash. I then mixed in a little aubiose (as the sand was so wet), some diatom, and some Stalosan.


The girls love it and have beencommunal bathing. Lydia spends ages in there, chucking the contents over herself.



When I first put it in the run i thought it was far too big, but it isn't.

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