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Who nicked my chickens??????

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After all my bragging to everyone who was willing to listen, and even those who didn`t care, about my lovely, quiet, hardly know I had them chickens, they have been replaced! I went to check for eggs today, and as soon as they saw me they all started shouting to be let out (I keep them in until about one so they get plenty of pellets) So much for quiet. I ran back in the house and hid. They soon shut up LOL.

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I am sure I have some supersoakers around here somewhere. I can`t do that to my little chickens though surely :twisted::twisted:


"hen stoop"

I can see that happening. They watched me as I tootled around the kitchen. I bet they kept the shouting to be let out up.

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Oh yes, I regularly have to think twice about walking past our patio doors 'incase the hens see me....' :oops:

And as to actually going out in the garden without an offering - usually a few rasins, well they soon let you know they have been brought up to expect better!

I don't know who is top hen, but I know its not me!

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Aww, it's the lovely sunshine that does it - my girls have been shoulder barging the Eglu door of a morning for the last week or so!


I must say it works like that with me too, now that the sun is up and streaming thro the curtains on a weekend I'm all 'COME ON! Let's get up and do stuff!' much to my other half annoyance (he likes a lie in on the few days we don't have to get up at stupid'o'clock, bless him). I think I might end up in the Eglu if I'm not careful!!

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"hen stoop" ... good term!


My kitchen goes right across the back of the house - french door and bay window in the dining-room part, glass door in the kitchen - and no curtains or blinds on any of them, so there is no escape!


I have noticed though, that while they trample on each other in excitement when they see me first thing in the morning, they do soon settle down and get on with chickeny things if I ignore them. It's satisfied me completely that actually they are quite happy in the run, and all that fuss is just emotional blackmail.


I can't wait to move them back up the end of the garden though - it will be lovely to get breakfast without five little faces glaring through the bars at me!

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