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I use Easibed, my local chap stopped doing Hemcore. At 1st I didn't think it was as absorbent but I prefer it now as it's much more 'dust-extracted' than Hemcore - the eglus and cube used to be covered in a thick layer of powdery dust, which I don't get any more :D

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I bought this yesterday, was actually going to go for Hemcore but they didn't have it so it was between this and Aubiose. The guy must have thought I was a nutter standing there fondling handfuls of the stuff to try and discern a favourite, but he was very nice and said they'd had people in buying it for their chickens since reading about it in a magazine.

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My local stockist only sells Easibed so I don't have any choice but to use it. I am thinking of putting it on top of earth after s"Ooops, word censored!"ing the woodchips, poo and gravel off it. It is fairly compact ground underneath. Is this a good idea? I have priced up paving slabs and they are a bit more pricey than I expected!!


How big is a bag of Easibed? How much does it cost? How deep should it be? Any idea how many bags would cover a 2.5x9m run? How often does it need repalcing. Should I wait and put it down after the roof is fitted or will it be ok for a week without?


Sorry so many questions but so many answers needed. :?

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I use Easibed inside the Eglu - in the nest box and droppings tray. We decided against using it in the run, as we thought it looked like it would 'disintegrate' too quickly or blow away as it's really small pieces, and went for woodchips in the run instead.


We have only got 2 or 3 inches down our pack of Easibed and we've been going 5 weeks so it's working out quite good value for money!

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i only use Hemcore but i understand from our horsey shop there is a manafacturing problem at the moment so its in short supply. there's only one problem with it for me..................digging it out of the bag, my goodness if it gets down your nails it's very painful :shock:

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