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Day 2 and I have questions!

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I'm on day two with our five ladies and I have questions.........already :lol:

Would be glad for some advice on the following:

1. Should I put straw or shredded newspaper into the nest box now, or wait for a couple of weeks? (was told by the lady at Omlet that I wouldn't need to get straw for a few weeks yet :? as the earliest they are likely to lay is 3 weeks)

2. Should I be putting grit in with the pellets (everyday or weekly?), or scattering on the floor once a week? And how much?

3. After day two, I'm sure that Epsibarb's wattles look pinker than yesterday even though they are quite small - is that possible?

4. I'm concerned that they spend an awful lot of time pecking furiously at the Superglug nipples - is this because they are getting used to it or aren't they getting enough water? Could also be a source of amusement, but I excluded that theory due to the expectation they would be disorientated with their new home!

Anyones advice will be very much appreciated. Thanks, Cathie.

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I'm on day two with our five ladies and I have questions.........already :lol:

Would be glad for some advice on the following:

1. Should I put straw or shredded newspaper into the nest box now, or wait for a couple of weeks? (was told by the lady at Omlet that I wouldn't need to get straw for a few weeks yet :? as the earliest they are likely to lay is 3 weeks)

Personally I wouldn't use straw...it gets manky and pooey. I would use **Aubiose**


I put it in from the start....in the hope that they would lay straight away....and I thought ot looked more comfy :oops:


2. Should I be putting grit in with the pellets (everyday or weekly?), or scattering on the floor once a week? And how much?


You can put it in with their pellets. it is better to put a separate pot so that they can help themselves. The seem to know when to stock up on it.


3. After day two, I'm sure that Epsibarb's wattles look pinker than yesterday even though they are quite small - is that possible?


Yes! :lol:


4. I'm concerned that they spend an awful lot of time pecking furiously at the Superglug nipples - is this because they are getting used to it or aren't they getting enough water? Could also be a source of amusement, but I excluded that theory due to the expectation they would be disorientated with their new home!


Have you checked that water is coming through? They do drink a surprising amount of water.


Anyones advice will be very much appreciated. Thanks, Cathie.

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Aubiose it is then - will try and get some tomorrow :) ......just in case Epsibarbs' comb goes red on day 3! :lol: and she's nearly ready to lay :pray: !! Do you put newspaper under it too?

Will get separate bowl for grit tomorrow morning - thats a great idea, then I'll know when to top up!

Superglug - water is coming out fine and you're right, they do drink a lot :shock:

Hope they are warm enough in there tonight!

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Like the idea for the grit vessel v much......have been racking my brains what we could use! Clips to the cage too, perfect. :idea: . Now I've seen hemcore and auboise mentioned and I might just try both and see which one suits. I like the idea of being able to pick out clumps from the nest box.

Going to the local pet supplies tomorrow to see what I can pick up. Thank you.

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Thank you all.

Rushed out this morning to get a grit holder, until the mail order one arrives. Sourced Aubiose at Eileen Douglas Tack Shop in Wokingham, its £8.75 a bale so will go and get that in the morning!

The rain this morning! Chooks spent ages drinking the droplets of rain from the mesh on the run. Now the sun is out, three of them have made dustbaths and having a wail of a time!

Egluntine - I'm putting the Aubiose in the nest box tomorrow morning, so here's hoping eggs are gonna come quicker! :pray:

Another question - can they eat millet? Like the hanging stuff for caged birds? :?

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Thank you all.

Rushed out this morning to get a grit holder, until the mail order one arrives. Sourced Aubiose at Eileen Douglas Tack Shop in Wokingham, its £8.75 a bale so will go and get that in the morning!


Hi Chillicat


Not sure where in Surrey you are, but Graham at Paws and Claws (based in Old WIndsor) deliver to Surrey/Middx(for example Egham, Staines, Chertsey, Addlestone) etc. I had a bale delivered today, £7.95. He can also supplu chicken pellets, mixed corn etc.



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Intially we didn't but anything in the nestbox but I use a mixture of hemcore and shredded paper now as it is easier to clean out. The empty nestbox was a real mess every morning.


We got our hemcore from Eileen Douglas in Wokingham but since then I've read on one of these threads that there is a tack shop in Eversley (near the two pubs) that is cheaper,

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We started off with shredded paper as the Omlet man that delivered our chucks said it was the most environmentally friendly option; you recycle your paper and then it can go in the compost! He also said to put it in from day 1 so that they got used to it quicker. However, we found that if you use it on its own it seems to get scattered all round the garden, attaches itself to the girl's feet and is generally a pain.


So we bought some Easibed instead, which was about £6 or so and is very small woodchips. Much easier to clean away , it's heavier so it doesn't blow about and we also scatter a thin layer in the droppings tray so that it all slides out easily!

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