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New girls

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Hello all - we have added 2 new girls on the weekend - now up to 4 in total. One of the new ones is ok - but the 2 oldies HATE the new smaller one - and attack her at all possibility - jumping on her back and all sorts. They sleep together ok - but she is having a really hard time in the day - and it's heart breaking to watch...poor little thing.

Can anyone tell me a worse case scenario of how long this is likely to last?

They have not drawn blood or anything so we are keen to persist...

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It would be a good idea to set up a couple more food and drink stations, so that she doesn't dehydrate or go hungry, as bullying issues often centre around food, and they bullies can't man all the stations.


If there is a ring leader, try removing her from the run for a while to let the little one have some hassle free time and build up her confidence.


Failing that, let her have a bit of time on her own, with access to food and drink.


Sometimes you just have to grit your teeth and let them get on with it....only wading in if there is an injury.


Good luck.

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thanks for the advice - i will hang in there. we have been letting her have periods in the run with the other new one first thing and at night - and she is really hungry by then. They are keeping her in the eglu most of the day. I am sure it will improve - but it's painful to watch!

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The seperate food station is really a neccessity, when I was going though the same thing a few weeks ago someone suggested it (sorry can't remember who) so I got a couple of the stand up feeders/drinkers and moved them round every day so the 2 newbies could feed and drink and it worked. Now when the treat dishes go in they all dive in together there's still the odd chase and peck just so they know who's boss, but World War 3 has come to an early end. Persevere you may end up chasing the bully round the run with a broom or bamboo cane :oops: to attempt to sort it out but they do do it themselves...............eventually :!:

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The run-separating trick (as seen in the thread linked to above) works really well and takes about 5-10 days. I don't have a handy box like Lesley-Jean, but just dividing the run and separating them during the day, then putting them together at night, has worked well for me in the past. Unfortunately the recent atrocious weather put the kibosh on my last attempt - no way I could leave my girls trapped at the end of the run with no shelter from the horizontal rain!

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