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Broodiest hen in the world!

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My light sussex has gone broody AGAIN! this is the 4th time in under a year. I remove eggs from the nest every day... Oh well I suppose its a good job I have the other 3. Does anyone else have a hen that goes broody reularly? And what make and model is it?

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I totally sympathise. My pied suffolk, Dotty goes broody at the drop of a hat. I hate working long days as it gives her more time to eye up how many eggs she can sit on :roll:

We got her in August last year and has been broody 5 times, even when we had snow she was broody. Now that's commitment.

I'm glad I'm not the only one with an egg sitter! :D

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My Buff Orpington was like that last year and it was a real pain!


This year I am desperate to hatch some more chicks but sadly none of mine have even looked as though they might be thinking of going broody. I have even been looking at incubators on e-bay - that's how bad it is!

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my cochin has been broody since monday and dont we know it!!


Right old grump she is....she even pecked my german shepherd dog on the nose today, picking fights with my other cochin and generally moping around. She has been in the broody cage since Tuesday, today I sat her on some frozen runner beans to try and bring down her temperature. I think it might be working. If she's not better by sunday im going to dunk her in cold water.....cant be faffing about with her no more!! :roll:


Cochins are reknowned for it.....I think they will be broody a lot.

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Bless them, they just want to be Momma's (won't be saying that when one of mine goes broody.)

I can sympathise with them, since having our duck eggs in the incubator I've been eyeing up lots of different eggs (even geese eggs :oops:) My logic is that we have an incubator, so there is no point in using it just the once :wink: I have gone broody really badly :oops:.



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my tiniest bantam, Millie, is soooo broody - it's very funny finding her broodying a clutch of eggs especially as I have 5 big chooks and she sits on top of all the eggs when everyone has laid and she really isn't much bigger than a dove :shock::D:D:D:D


Normally when I find her I just take away the eggs and shoo her off the nest - she looks very indignant :roll::roll:


Late last summer she went very very broody and was broodying an empty nest so she went in the broody cage for 48 hours..........that sorted her out :D:D

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my tiniest bantam, Millie, is soooo broody - it's very funny finding her broodying a clutch of eggs especially as I have 5 big chooks and she sits on top of all the eggs when everyone has laid and she really isn't much bigger than a dove :shock::D:D:D:D


Normally when I find her I just take away the eggs and shoo her off the nest - she looks very indignant :roll::roll:


Late last summer she went very very broody and was broodying an empty nest so she went in the broody cage for 48 hours..........that sorted her out :D:D


:lol::lol: I can just picture a tiny hen sat on an egg mountain! :lol:

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well, if you know where I can find an Ostrich egg .............. :wink::lol:

borough market (London Bridge) :lol::lol::lol:


my wyandotte bantam went broody four times last year :roll:

we tried everything up to and including dunking her in water but to no avail.....she's a most determined little chicken :D

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Well Millie Bantie is now super super broody and spent the afternoon broodying an empty nest :roll::roll:


I took away all the eggs............after which she squawked indignantly for a good half hour before settling herself back on an empty nest for the afternoon :roll::roll:


May have to put in the broody cage for a day or so........will see how she is tomorrow :think:



..........may well have to go in search of an Ostrich egg just to see her little face :lol::lol::lol:

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