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Battery hens

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We are thinking about re-homing some battery hens. Can they be put in the same eglu as Hugh and Terri (our first two hens we got from Omlet)?


Or would they be better off in a seperate Eglu for a few weeks in case they got bullied?


I feel so sorry for them and want to give them a lovely new home, but don't want to scare the poor things x



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Hi Ed


It's always wise to separate new hens when introducing them, but ex-batts need extra TLC so that they can regain their strength, otherwise they are very likely to be bullied. I would keep them completely separate for a few weeks at least - perhaps some ex-batt owners will be along soon to share their experiences.


Welcome to the forum, BTW!

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I agree with what has been said here - ex-battery girls need some time on their own to adapt to they new surroundings and gain strength.


You never know what state the hens will come out of their cages in so its best for them to have time alone and lots and lots of TLC :D

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I would definitely say keep them separate to start with...if they are a bit oven ready they may become targets for bullying.....there will be inevitable squabbles anyway.


Also for "quarantine" purposes it is a good idea. They may be infested and you don't want to pass anything on to your existing flock.

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