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Odd behaviour

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I have just noticed Cool Chick doing something odd in the run - I have included a link here to a video of it. She has dug a hole and is scratching about in it. I put down some new bark for them at the weekend and they are not eating much of thier food - they eat the scaps I give them but not so much the pellets.


Any clues what might be going on? Are they ready to lay and they are making a nest outside?


Any clues would be useful

Many thanks


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was it like this?




our lot, dust bathing en masse, very funny :D I remember the first time I saw one of them doing it, I thought she was having a stroke! :shock:

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When mine started doing that I frantically cleaned the Eglu out thinking they were building themselves a new nest because they didnt want to go into their nest boxes. I thought there might be red mite in there, but with a couple of months experience now I just happily watch them taking their dust baths. They each seem to have a particular spot they like, so my garden has several mounds where they each have thier spot.




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