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I got my chookies!

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My Eglu package arrived today, including our 3 gorgeous girlies whom the kids have named, Hatty, Bob and Pepsi. :D


They've seemed generally very calm and content this afternoon apart from when my ginger cat advanced towards them a bit too quickly and they then started clucking very loudly for quite a while! Poor things. Cat was swiftly encouraged back through cat flap.


I gave them some sweetcorn with a bit of poultry spice mixed in later on and after they'd eventually tried it, soon got a taste for it and polished off the lot.


Don't they just make the sweetest noises when they're ready for bed? (Maybe at other times too?) They're just too cute. The torch trick worked a treat, albeit slowly, and I gave each a little stroke when they'd settled.


Anyhoo, here's some piccies.







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oooh another eglu, everyone sems to have cubes now lol, my hens were 18 weeks when I got them but kept them in a wooden house at first. Mine love their eglu and run, I would never go back to a wooden house now. Your hens and set up looks lovely :D

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