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Selling eggs

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I think if you're selling to friends, family, or 'from the gate' (ie not in shops etc), then you should be ok.


I think it's when you start selling commercially, to shops, businesses, or at farmers markets etc that you might need insurances etc.


Don't quote me, but i'm sure that's what i've read somewhere! :wink:

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we sell ours for £1 for half a doz or exchange them for veg and stuff.


You are Ok selling them to friends and neighbours as long as you don't grade them as being 'large, medium' free range' etc.


I think 'Fresh' would be Ok!


Don't sell dirty eggs with chookpoo on as people tend to wash them, which is not a good idea unless you use them immediately.

The washing can remove the natural protective film coating and depending on the temperature of the water can actually draw nasties into the egg by osmosis. We keep the dirty ones ourselves and give them a wipe with a damp cloth just before we use them.


Commercial eggs are of course washed and it is done in a controlled manner to prevent any such problems.


A word of warning, there will be fights amongst friends and family if you can't keep everyone supplied :wink::shock:


Hope this helps,



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I sell my spares to colleagues at work, since we don't have any family nearby. I basically tell people "my hens free-range in my garden whenever possible and eat a mostly organic diet", but I don't label the eggs themselves (apart from pencilling the date of lay on them) - I think that's OK.


IIRC, you can't describe the eggs as organic unless the hens laying them have been raised totally organically since hatching (and possibly born to organically reared parents - they keep tightening the rules). "Free range" is equally hedged about with regulations and red tape - fair enough, it stops commercial farmers from passing eggs off as from better-kept hens than is the case, but few commercial free-range hens have as much ranging space per bird as our girls!

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