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Our chicks now 2 weeks old!

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Here are mine & my sisters chicks that we hatched in our 'jointly' bought incubator. We had 12 eggs, 7 were fertile...3 hatched & 4 dead in shell - didn't make it out of the shells. :cry: But we are very happy with what we have 1 lavendar pekin & 2 so called frizzle bantams. Don't think they have the frizzle gene somehow & we think one is a cockerel, because of it's tail fluff / feathers, my sister is having that one. I think I may end up letting her have them all, due to the low hatch rate. We were hoping for more pekins.

Here is the pekin - he / she is beautiful & we call him / her Orville!!!! :D






The others are so called frizzles - here is the one we think is a cockerel






So what do you think?



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apart from the obvious cock a doodle doo, just how do you sex a pekin & the others for that matter! We hoped & prayed that these would live as last year my sister hatched a black pekin, but it died at a day old. So 2 weeks on, we are so pleased. Orville isn't as advanced as the others, but it's pekin feet are just lovely.

What did everyone else think about the sexes?



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