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My Girls have arrived but won't leave the cube! Any ideas

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My chickens were delivered at lunchtime and have all been left in the cube to settle in but are very reluctant to make their debut. Roy suggested picking them up and putting them on the ladder but that has only frightened them and got me pecked. :(


I did think about picking them up and moving them into the run but they huddle in the far corner and I'm too short to reach in and pick them up :oops: They've been here 3 hours and it is getting very overcast and will be dusk soon


Any ideas on how I can lure them out so that they can have a drink and some food after their journey?



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We got our chickens they didn't go into the run for at least a day so we put food and water in their house rather than trying to make them go downstairs. Now they are competly different and always rush downstairs when we open the dorr in the morning.



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I wouldn't worry, ajm. Mine arrived 10 days ago and stayed in for most of the first couple of days. They came out when they were hungry or thirsty then went straight back in again. They seemed to feel much more secure in there. Now they can't wait to get out in the morning!


You could always pop a bowl of food and water in there with them if you're concerned.

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I would leave them a little longer - my only conern would be dehydration if they haven't drunk anything all day - I am sure if you just leave them they will explore in their own time.


I wouldn't really worry until tomorrow morning - at that point you might want to stick them in the run and close the cube just until you see them eat and drink something.


They will get themselves sorted in their own good time.



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Thanks for the advice. I've put some food and water in the cube and could hear them pecking at the bowls before I'd finished closing the roof so I guess they'll be fine.


I was just worried that they would be dehydrated and didn't want them to get sick.

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It's exciting isn't it? Roy delivered and built our cube too. Wouldn't worry too much, they've had a big day, now they've got food and drink they should be fine, before you kno it they'll be yelling their heads off to be let out in the morning :lol: (just in time for the torrential rain at te bank holiday :roll: )


Mrs Bertie

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