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dogs and chickens

Is this normal?

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Hi All,


One of my hens has taken to laying while walking along :shock: Is this normal?


She did it yesterday, and I just thought it was a one off, but again today she did the same thing. She was walking along and her legs got more and more bent then an egg shot out and she just carried on walking as if nothing had happened :? Very weird!


She stared laying before she came here, she is 25/26 weeks old. I am worried that maybe she only realised she needs to lay too late, tries to get to the nesting box (up a ladder in both houses!) can't get up the ladder and just produces (although she was not heading for a nesting box when I saw her).


Should I build her a nesting box, at ground level? Has anyone had to do this, and how would I go about this?


Or should I not worry?

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Oh, I'm sorry that did make me laugh!! :lol::lol::lol:


Haven't experienced this myself but some people leave fake eggs in the nest box to encourage them to lay there, otherwise, if you know roughly what time she is going to lay you could confine her to the cube if you're around?


Other than that I don't know what to suggest I'm afraid. Maybe she's just to busy to ever stop and sit down? :wink:

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One of mine used to do exactly this when they first started laying and they were free-ranging - sometimes she never seemed to even notice she'd laid it, but once both hens saw it and thought it was some sort of treat so started pecking it, only just got to it in time!

Anyway, I started keeping them in the eglu run until they'd laid, then they were allowed out, and I put the laid eggs in the nest for a couple of hours after they'd been laid in the run and they learnt to lay in the nest.

They still panicked when they were free-ranging and needed to lay, but when I heard them panicking (and on occasion trying to make a nest in a cupboard!!) I threw some corn in the run and they'd go in and realise where the nest was! Took a while but we don't get any random eggs on the lawn anymore!

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Oh bless your hens! You clearly have done a great job :D . Gold star to you!


She seems to lay about 3 in the afternoon, I tryed to catch her today to pop her in the cube run, she was having none of it!!!!


I did not think of the corn though. I shall do that tomorrow. However she still has not laid today, so maybe I should go up there now. But then again, she may not lay today :roll: .


I have had seven eggs today, all in the correct place, however I know that none of them are hers as her's are green blue!


I must go and check for eggs quickly, thanks so much for the great advice.



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